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Camp Discovery 2023

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Cabarrus Tech would like to invite all 9th grade students to Camp Discovery 2023 for an opportunity to meet their new classmates, participate in team-building activities, and academic challenges.  This is a great way for students to dust the cobwebs off and jump-start their brains as they head into the new school year.  Last year, the students who came had a blast.  

Camp FAQ’s

What do we do?
The morning is dedicated to team building activities where students get to know each other, group initiatives that require a group to work together to complete different tasks, and problem solving activities that make the groups use their brains to come up with solutions.  In the afternoon, students choose an academic challenge they would like to participate in.  The challenges are:

Bridge Building- Students design and build a balsa wood bridge.  The different bridges compete to see how much weight they can hold before breaking.

Water Bottle Rocket- Students design and build a rocket from a 2-liter bottle.   Students compete to see whose rocket can go up the highest and bring an egg down without breaking.

Rube Goldberg Machines- Students will build a machine out of everyday items that will complete a simple task. 


When and where is it?
It is on the Cabarrus Tech campus, July 24th – 27th from 9 to 4 each day.  Students need to be picked up promptly at 4pm.

What do I wear?
Comfortable clothes and closed toe shoes because you will be outside most of the morning.

What about lunch?
Students must bring a lunch, except for Thursday (Lunch is on US).

Students need to bring a lunch except for Thursday (Lunch on us!)
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