

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Susan Frazier

Hello! I am Susan Frazier and this will be my 32nd year teaching in North Carolina. I have been a Winecoff Leopard for eighteen years. I was a third grade teacher for five years before becoming Winecoff’s Lead Math Teacher. I also taught fifth, sixth, and seventh grades in a neighboring county for fourteen years before calling Cabarrus County Schools my home.

Part of my job as a lead teacher is to work with Winecoff’s teachers reviewing student data to help make decisions on how to best meet the needs of all students.  I also serve as Lead Mentor, a member of the MTSS team, VEX Robotics Coach, CCS tutor, and I work every summer with CCS’s summer reading programs.

My husband and I have been married for 37 years and have one daughter, Haylee. She is a UNC Chapel Hill graduate, so we have learned to cheer for the Tar Heels when Alabama is not playing – Go HEELS! and ROLL TIDE! Haylee went to Winecoff Kindergarten through fifth grade so I can honestly say, Winecoff STEM Elementary is the best place to be!
