• Chromebook Collection Information

    May 30-June 1st you can turn your chromebook in to Ms. Marrara during your lunch in the commons if you do not need a computer for your final exam. 


    We will not be collecting Chromebooks on Friday, June 2nd


    June 5th-June 7th is Exam Week. Each day from 10:30-12 Ms. Marrara will be in the Auxiliary Gym collecting chromebooks for students who have taken their last final exam. Students will have a scheduled time to come down to the Gym and should wait until their teacher releases them to return the chromebook. **Students in grades 9-11 will be getting their same chromebook at the beginning of next year. 


    Seniors: You must turn in your chromebook or you will not be able to walk at graduation. 


    Make sure…

    1. Chromebooks are clean.

    2. Chromebooks are free of personal stickers.

    3. Chromebooks are operating. Place a work order for any chromebook that is not working or is broken.

    4. Chromebooks are labeled with your name tag. If you do not have one, tell the person who is collecting your device, and they will create one for you when you turn it in. 

    5. You also turn in your charger.