This course teaches the development of knowledge and advanced skills in Engineering Drafting and Design.  An understanding of 3D CAD concepts and terms, and the use of 3D CAD software such as INVENTOR or solidworks, are essential to this course, and the required method of producing finished drawings.  Topics included cover advanced levels of Engineering Drafting and Design, Employment Requirements, Engineering Design Concepts and Principles, Advanced Manufacturing Processes, Advanced Parametric-Solid Modeling, Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing, Working Drawings and Assemblies, 3D Modeling, Sheet Metal Parts, and Professional Portfolio. English language arts and mathematics are reinforced. Work-based learning strategies appropriate for this course include apprenticeship, cooperative education, internship, and job shadowing. SkillsUSA competitive events, community service, and leadership activities provide the opportunity to apply essential standards and workplace readiness skills through authentic experiences. Geometry is recommended as preparation for this course.


    1.00 Understand Requirements for Engineering & Manufacturing Employment.
    1.01 Understand the requirements of becoming a Professional Engineer.
    1.02 Understand Education and Professional qualifications for becoming employed in Engineering, Manufacturing or related fields.
    2.00 Apply Engineering Design Concepts and Principles to solve problems.
    2.01 Apply the concepts and principles of the Engineering Design Process.
    2.02 Apply the concepts to create an Engineering Notebook.
    3.00 Understand Advanced Manufacturing Processes.
    3.01 Understand the concepts of Advanced Manufacturing processes.
    3.02 Understand the concepts of Additive Manufacturing processes; file formats (.STL, etc.) design considerations, design intent.
    3.03 Understand the concepts of Threads and Fasteners used in Assemblies.
    4.00 Apply Advanced 3D Parametric-Solid Model and Assembly Creation Techniques.
    4.01 Apply Advanced techniques to complete a 2D sketch using the appropriate draw tools.
    4.02 Apply Advanced techniques of Adding Constraints; Geometric and Dimensional.
    4.03 Apply Advanced techniques of Creating 3D Parts from constrained sketches using; Extrude, Revolve, Sweep and Loft.
    4.04 Apply Advanced techniques of adding Placed Features: Hole, Fillet, Chamfer, Shell, Threads, and Pattern Features.
    4.05 Apply Advanced techniques of Adaptive Features, parts and subassemblies.
    4.06 Apply the techniques of Creating Assemblies.
    4.07 Apply the techniques of creating Animations, renderings and presentation drawings.
    4.08 Apply the techniques of using and annotating Threads and Fasteners in Assemblies.
    5.00 Apply Procedures to Create Working Drawings of a 3D Model and Assembly .
    5.01 Apply the concepts and techniques of creating working drawings.
    5.02 Apply multi-view projection and the various views that are needed to document a 3D model including: Base, Projected, Section, and Auxiliary Views.
    5.03 Apply the techniques of adding Annotations, Dimensions, and Tolerances.
    6.00 Apply Procedures to Create Sheet Metal Parts
    6.01 Apply the concepts used to Create sheet metal parts
    6.02 Apply the concepts used to Modify sheet metal parts
    6.03 Apply how to create a Flat Pattern
    7.00 Apply Procedures to create Geometric Dimensions and Tolerances.
    7.01 Understand geometric dimensioning and tolerancing terms, symbols, and concepts.
    7.02 Apply geometric dimensioning and tolerancing terms, symbols, and concepts.
    8.00 Apply Procedures to create a professional Portfolio.
    8.01 Apply the methods used for creating a digital portfolio.
    8.02 Apply the procedures to create Presentations, Rendered Images and Animated Assemblies.
    8.03 Apply the process of creating a Professional Resume.