Phone: 704-260-6570 Ext. 40171


Degrees and Certifications:

B.Ed Home Economics M.Ed Education Leadership Ed.D Curriculum and Instructions Curriculum & Instruction Specialist Servsafe Certified Instructor and Proctor National Board for Professional Teaching Standard Certified

Dr. Asha Chemisi Kogo-Masila


Welcome! My name is Asha Chemisi Kogo-Masila and I will be teaching Food and Nutrition 2 /Honors and Food and Nutrition 1. I have 23 years of teaching experience in high school. All important information regarding the courses will be provided on the first day of school. This will include the welcome letter, course curriculum, and syllabus (expectations,attendance, grading policy and attendance). My goal as an educator is to create a conducive environment for all my students. Together we can make the school year 2022/23 a productive one.

PowerSchool's Parent Portal gives parents and students access to online information including attendance, and grades. Everyone stays connected: students stay on top of assignments, parents are able to participate more fully in their student's progress, and teachers can share information with parents and students. I encourage students, along with their parents, to have a username and password to ensure that all assignments are completed and turned in on time and also to keep track of their current class average. The username and password do not change from one year to another.  If you have misplaced your username and password, you can contact me at             

Fall Semester 2022/23

1st Period:  FOOD & NUTRITION 1

2nd Period: FOOD & NUTRITION 1

3th Period: PLANNING 

4th Period: FOOD & NUTRITION 2 

 Information for Rising 8th Graders:

Food & Nutrition 1

  • Pre-requisite – None
  • (Recommended you take Principles of Family & Human Services – 9th grade).
  • Grade level – 10th & 11th.
  • This course examines the nutritional needs of the individuals. Emphasis is placed on
  • Fundamental of food production.
  • Kitchen and meal management.
  • Food groups and their preparation.
  • Time and resource management.
  • Food & Kitchen Safety.

Food & Nutrition 2

  • Pre-requisite – Pass Food & Nutrition 1 Course
  • Students experience the cross-section of nutrition science and food preparation.
  • Emphasis is placed on health and social responsibility while improving the way people eat.
  • Students explore food protection, nutrients, life cycle nutrition, sports nutrition, medical nutrition therapy, and American and global foodways.
  • Students take the ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification Examination (Certification good for 5 years).

Food & Nutrition 2 Honors

  • Pre-requisite: Pass Food & Nutrition1 Course with B or higher and the End of Course Exams with B or Higher.
  • The materials and cooking labs are the same as the Food & Nutrition 2.
  • Students take the ServSafe Food Protection Manager Certification Examination (Certification good for 5 years).
  • A three-part portfolio is required for the Honors course.







Last Modified on August 24, 2022