Phone: 704-260-6600


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors in Music - Education K-12 University of North Carolina Greensboro

Mr. Singer


Mr. Singer, is a native of Bassett, Virginia, where he attended Bassett High School. He is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro with a BM in music education. While at UNCG, he participated in University Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Sinfonia Orchestra, Jazz Band, Pit Orchestra, and Trumpet Ensemble. Mr. Singer was a semi-finalist in the National Trumpet Competition and has performed at the International Trumpet Guild Conference.  He studied trumpet under Dr. Edward Bach and Mr. Mark Clodfelter. He was a member and officer of Phi Mu Alpha Music Fraternity. Mr. Singer participated in The Cadets Drum and Bugle Corps from 2011-2013, winning the drum corps' 10th World Championship in 2011. In 2019, Mr. Singer received the Ed Rooker Encore Award presented by the American School Band Directors Association. Mr. Singer currently served as the Commission and Clinician Chair for the South Central District Band Director Association. He also sits on the Board of Directors as the High School Representative for the District. Mr. Singer has served as a mentor for student teachers and beginning teachers in the Charlotte area. 

Mr. Singer is currently in his 8th year teaching. In 2017, he began teaching at Cox Mill High School. Mr. Singer teaches Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band, and the Spirit of Cox Mill Marching Band. While at Cox Mill, the band has received multiple first-place awards at local marching band competitions and continues to receive excellent and superior ratings at NC-MPA Concert Festival.

Mr. Singer currently resides in Concord, North Carolina with his wife, Chelsea, and their two pets Annie and Cooper.


Spring Schedule:

1st Period:   Wind Ensemble

2nd Period:  Symphonic Band

3rd Period:   Planning/HRMS

4th Period:   Planning/HRMS