One Blood Logo

Our Next Blood Drive

    • Our next blood drive will be on Friday, April 21st,2023.  
    • You must be 16 years old to donate, and if you are 16 you must have a permission form SIGNED by your parent or guardian. You will receive it when you sign up and MUST bring it with you on the day that you donate.
    • A few days before you donate, be sure to drink plenty of water.  On the morning of the blood drive be sure you EAT BREAKFAST!!
    • The drive will take place in the AUXILIARY GYM.  You will exit out of the main entrance of the school and walk around.  When you re-enter the building you will go back through the front to be buzzed in.
    • The One Blood Representative will be at Central on 4/17 during lunches to sign up students to donate. You can also see Mrs. Jones in 204 to sign up.  


    If you have any questions, see Mrs. Jones in 204 or email her at 


    **All donors get snacks, lunch if you donate during lunchtime, and a thank-you gift**


    Remember that 1 donation can save 3 lives!  Thank you for giving the gift of LIFE!!