

    NTHS applications are open!  DUE March 15th!  If accepted, you will receive a formal invitation to NTHS to the email address listed on the application.  

    2022-23 Cox Mill High School NTHS Application


    Application Deadline is March 15, 2023

    Requirements for National Technical Honor Society:

    • Currently a Junior or Senior
    • Minimum 3 Career & Technical Education credits with at least one credit being 2nd level
      • If you have taken both AP CS Principles and AP CSA, this counts as 2 levels
    • Minimum 3.0 overall GPA unweighted 
    • Minimum 3.0 CTE GPA unweighted 
    • No Out of School Suspensions during high school career. 
    • No more than 3 separate In School Suspensions during high school career. 
    • One teacher recommendation 
    • Active involvement in one of the following: 
      • Career Technical Student Organization (DECA, FBLA, FCCLA, FFA, HOSA, Skills USA) 
      • School-sponsored student service organization (Leadership, Beta, Interact, Key, etc.)
      • Civic or Service Organization (Scouts, Church, etc.)