

Degrees and Certifications:

Fiber Arts


We meet every other Thursday (Join remind for more details)
​Club advisor: Ms. Conlan, Room 2111

The Fiber Arts Club here at Cox Mill is a place where you can do the following:

  • Learn a fiber craft, such as knitting, crocheting, and/or HAND sewing

  • Freely socialize in a smaller circle 

  • Do fiber-arts based community service

  • Relax, de-stress and take a mental health break

  • And most importantly, have fun!


Our mission is to promote mindfulness, de-stressing, and relaxation through fiber craft while giving back to the community. 

This club will be a safe space for everyone to socialize, take a break from schoolwork and learn more about the art of working with yarns and fibers.


Join Remind: text @cmhsfac23 to 81010

Instagram: @cmhsfiberarts

More Information: Fiber Arts - Google Slides/edit#slide=id.p