Course Overview

  • The goal of all Broadcasting Classes is to "become good content consumers so that we can become great content creators."

    Intro to Broadcasting

    Intro to Broadcasting looks at 6 different zones of content (Raw Information, News, Propaganda, Opinion, Advertising, and Entertainment.) Through evaluation of content and core concepts of each type of zone, students will create their own versions each zone of information. 


    Broadcasting 2

    Broadcasting 2 takes the zones of information covered in Intro to Broadcasting and applies them to the CMHS announcements. In addition to those announcements, Broadcasting 2 students will work on branding, multiple camera angle shots, interviewing, features and storytelling for video, and using a green screen. 


    Broadcasting 3

    Broadcasting 3 uses the skills in the previous courses to create stronger projects that primarily fall under the "entertainment" zone. Students will create projects like PSAs, Music, Mood/Tone videos, Genres of Film, Adaptations, Expectations vs. Reality, Music Videos, Branding, and How - to videos. 


    Broadcasting 4

    Broadcasting 4 combines all courses by creating a complete portfolio of work that has each zone of information covered based on a certain "beat."