Mrs. Misenheimer

Monthly Guidance Lessons/Activities


    I am excited for all the great things that students will learn this year.  Click here to view all the lessons we plan to teach students this year.  Every month, I will post various read alouds, activites and/or songs based on the character trait for that month.  I hope you enjoy exploring my virtual office :)


    August/September:  Click here for the guidance activities for CURIOSITY! 

    October:  Click here for the guidance activities for having a LOVE OF LEARNING!

    November:  Click here for the guidance activities for INTEGRITY!

    December:  Click here for the guidance activities for FAIRNESS!

    January: Click here for the guidance activities for SELF-CONTROL!

    February: Click here for the guidance activities for KINDNESS!

    March: Click here for the guidance activities for TEAMWORK!

    April: Click here for the guidance activities for PERSEVERANCE!









Last Modified on March 27, 2023