Students Working
Students Working

Welcome to Ceramics Beginning

  • Course Description

    This course is designed to develop problem solving skills through the creation of different types of ceramic sculpture. We will study and develop our skills using different hand-building techniques. This class requires a prerequisite of Art 1  - if you have not taken Art 1, please let Ms. Graham or your counselor know. Throughout the year, artists will create original works, learn more complex sculpture techniques, and hone their skills in ceramics. Art takes time and patience - you MUST come to class prepared for hard work. You should also be prepared to get messy for this class! Students are expected to give 100% and continuously challenge themselves artistically. I will make sure you have the tools you need to succeed. I am excited about working with you this year. Welcome to Ceramics Beginning!


    • Sketchbook/Notebook 
    • Pencils and erasers
    • Clorax Wipes
    • Trash Bags to cover ceramics work
    • Glue Sticks
    • $20 Ceramics Fee – Used to purchase supplies needed for the projects during the semester. This fee should be paid as soon as possible and can be paid online here. Please be sure to select the correct "ceramics" fee in the payment center and include your child's name. 

    Recommended: You might prefer to have your own set of clay tools.  Amazon sells sets pretty cheap - I’ve attached a link here (Links to an external site.), or you can also search Amazon for clay tools and/or wax carving tool sets. Similar sets are also available at Michael's and Hobby Lobby.



    Grades in this class will come from projects, participation, sketchbook assignments, classwork and quizzes.

    All projects are graded based on a rubric that focuses on concept, creative expression, craftsmanship and class work.

    A small homework assignment may occasionally be assigned. If classwork is not completed, it becomes homework. So please use your class time wisely.

    A note regarding the CMHS Art Department’s grading policyYour participation grade is 25% of your nine-week grade.  Participation grades will be given at the end of each project and each class.  Points will be taken off for lack of participation, tardiness on projects, inappropriate behavior, not working during class, playing on phone or failure to clean up at the end of the class period.

    Grade Weighting

    Assessment Category

    Percent Weight









    Final Semester Grade

    Percent Weight

    1st 9-weeks


    2nd 9-weeks


