• civics Welcome to Ms.Brewington's Civics Class! 

    Civics is the study of citizenship and government. This one-semester course provides students with a basic understanding of civic life, politics, and government, and a short history of government’s foundation and development in this country. Students learn how power and responsibility are shared and limited by government, the impact American politics has on world affairs, the place of law in the American constitutional system, and which rights the American government guarantees its citizens. Students also examine how the world is organized politically and how civic participation in the American political system compares to that in other societies around the world today.

    This course will be managed on Canvas. Students will refer to the class canvas page for assignments, material, assessments. 

    Civics Virtual Open House Video

    Daily Teams Meeting:


    3rd period-Civics

    4th Period- Civics


    Remind Codes:

    Civics 3rd Period - @3brewcrew

    Civics 4th Period - @brewcrew4

    plan c