Complete Your Back to School Paperwork on Scribbles!

  • As we begin our year digitally, you will need to complete all of our school forms online. Our county has chosen Scribbles to do this. Below are the steps you'll take to complete these forms and a link to Scribbles. Please complete your Back to School paperwork as soon as possible. Thank you! 

    Step 1: Go to Scribbles at the link below. 

    Step 2: Create an account. 

    Step 3: Log in with your username and password. 

    Step 4: Locate and complete the forms provided in their entirety. 

    Forms include:

    • Technology Agreement Form
    • Technology Fee Form
    • Missing Device Form
    • Health Information Form
    • Free and Reduced Lunch Application
    • Online Lunch Payment Information
    • School Health Form

    There is also information available about before and after school programs when we resume face to face instruction again. 


    Link to Scribbles