20-21 Immersion Info/Updates

  • Hello Furr Falcons.  I know that there are many questions and concerns about this upcoming school year.  One area I've had a lot of inquiries about is our Spanish Immersion Program and how it will work in Plan B or C.  Below are videos to help explain our approach for language immersion.  
    Also, you should know that our plan will be to alternate languages on a weekly basis so that students get equal exposure to both Spanish and English.  All their lessons, both virtual and in person, will be in the same language for an entire week and then they will switch to the other language the following week.  The only exception is that on Mondays students may receive some brief interaction from both teachers in both languages via a virtual activity.  This is to avoid having students go a full week without any exposure to a language.
    We will provide more information in the coming weeks.  Take care and stay safe!


Last Modified on July 21, 2020