• What are the responsibilities of the counselor?

    Posted by:

    I am responsible for the safety and emiotional well-being of all the students.  I educate the students through character education, provide individual and group counseling, make referrals to outside agencies, assit the School Social Worker when there are needs related to home visists or attendance, participate in the MTSS process for academics or behavioral concerns.

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  • I need to meet with the counselor or would like my child to, what do I do?

    Posted by:

    As a parent, please contact the counselor to schedule a time to have a meeting to discuss your concerns.  Please email or call if you would like to refer your child to see the counselor and they can be added to the caseload.

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  • Does the 3-5 counselor only serve 3-5 students?

    Posted by:

    Primarily, the 3-5 counselor works with only the 3-5 students just as the K-2 counselor works with the K-2 students.  However, both counselors are available to assist as need be with any student in any grade.  We are here to serve!

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  • How do I contact the school counselor?

    Posted by:

    You can contact the school counselor for 3rd-5th grade students by email at shannon.coleman@cabarrus.k12.nc.us or by phone at 704-260-6401.

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  • Will the School Counselor tell me what is discussed with my child?

    Posted by:

    In most cases, school counselors keep information that is discussed with students confidential.  In order to build a relationship with students it is important to hold up this standard of professionalism.  However, there are instances where breaking confidentiality is a must!  For example, if the student is being harmed in any way, wants to harm themselves or someone else, those are times when confidentiality is broken in order to keep all those that may be affected, safe.

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  • Does a school counselor provide long-term therapy?

    Posted by:

    No, a school counselor is not equipped to provide long-term therapy to students, parents or staff.  School Counselors are able to meet with student for many sessions (usually 8-10) and after which, if there is still a need, a student is referred to a counselor/therapist outside the school.

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