Bloomz Directions- English
Bloomz Directions- Spanish
    • Bloomz is a secure app that allows me to communicate effectively with parents. I will be posting important dates, information and pictures from our day. You may also message me directly on there as well. I will also be using this app to schedule parent-teacher conferences and volunteer help when needed. Please be sure to download the app and join our class so you do not miss any important information! 


      Bloomz will be used school wide to communicate daily SOAR behaviors. Students will earn points for following SOAR behaviors, working hard to complete their best work, being helpful and kind to classmates and teachers, and having a positive attitude.  The goal is to earn 75 points in one quarter.  I will be posting more about this on Bloomz and explaining it to the class on the first day of school.  


      Bloomz is available on the desktop, iPhone and Android phones. 

Last Modified on August 18, 2022