General Information

  • What is a proctor?
    A proctor is someone who assists in the monitoring and facilitating of state examinations.  Duties may include monitoring students during the exam and distributing, gathering, & counting exam materials.
    Why does CMHS NEED proctors?
    Test day requires a great effort and many staff to successfully complete testing.  Additional help from volunteer proctors ensures minimal delays or issues during these important exams. 
    What type of time commitment is required?
    State exams are given during the school day.  Generally, there is a morning and an afternoon test session.  We ask proctors to come at 6:45am to receive training and directions to your designated area/ room.  You may sign up for a morning session only, afternoon only, or full day for as many days as you are available.
    When is testing?
    January, May, and June are the major testing months.  However, there are other test dates throughout the year.  State exams will have an easy signup online. 
    Not able to help but know someone else who can?
    If you are not able to volunteer but know someone else who can, please share with your neighbors, friends, and family.  Proctoring is a volunteer activity that is not limited to the parents of students.  Anyone interested may contact the school and simply ask for the 'testing coordinator' to be directed accordingly.