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Why go through the hassle of shopping around to get the back to school supplies your student needs, when you can get them in one place for a great price, while also supporting Furr Elementary School's staff and students?!This year, CAFE’s PTO has partnered with Educational Products Inc. to put together competitively priced school supply kits for the 2023-2024 school year. They are simple to order, customized for each grade, shipped directly to the school, distributed to the students’ assigned classrooms AND proceeds of each sale will directly benefit Furr Elementary School and its amazing staff and students!Cross it off your list and order now! The order deadline for these kits is June 4th. Remember the first day of school is August 10th this year.School Code: Fur009Thank you for considering ordering from EPI to ensure students have what they need AND for supporting CAFE!** REMEMBER TO CHOOSE YOUR STUDENT’S GRADE FOR NEXT SCHOOL YEAR**