• 2021-2022 School Dress Code

    The PLC has been established as a business-like environment. Therefore, the dress code reflects that of the business setting while also allowing students to remain young adults. The dress code is designed as a teaching tool to provide guidance for our student to prepare for job interviews, scholarship interviews, college interviews, and the business work environment. The Cabarrus County Schools' board has a very general dress policy, which states: "appropriate hair and dress styles are essential to the maintenance of a proper atmosphere for the educational process and will be required of all students in the Cabarrus County School System. Any extremes deemed by the principal to be disruptive or detract from normal school atmosphere will not be permitted." The PLC's dress code specifically addresses the following:

    1. Shorts, skirts or culottes no more than 3 inches above the knee (height of an ID card).

    2. Jeans are acceptable.

    3. No pajamas or leggings may be worn.

    4. The shoulders and back must be covered.

    5. Bare midriffs spaghetti straps, see through shirts, tank tops that do not completely cover the shoulders, excessively low necklines (showing any cleavage) and muscle shirts are not acceptable. When arms are extended overhead (raised), the shirt must cover the midriff.

    6. Bicycle shorts, exceptionally tight, exceptionally baggyand transparent clothing is not acceptable.

    7. Holes in jeans above the knee, or any clothing, are unacceptable.

    8. Bedroom slippers are not permitted.

    9. Clothing which advertises or portrays gangs, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, violence, nudity, obscene language or has any slogan, or picture which is not in good taste or demeaning to any group or gender, is not to be worn in school.

    10. A slogan or symbol which disrupts or distracts from the educational process is not acceptable

    11. Sunglasses and headwear including but not limited to hats, caps, stocking caps, toboggans, bandannas, large headbands or any other headgear are not to be worn by any student while in the building.

    12. Any appropriate garment should be worn as it was meant to be worn. (i.e., pants should be worn around the waist; the waistband of the undergarment should never be higher than the waistband of the outer-garment).

    13. Chains and jewelry containing spikes create safety hazards and are not permitted.

    Students will not be permitted to attend class if inappropriately dressed. Students must cover or change clothing that is deemed inappropriate. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action by administration.


    ***The Principal has the final say on any questions concerning the dress code.
Last Modified on August 26, 2021