Mission and Beliefs

  • The mission of the Cox Mill Technology Department is to provide students and staff with appropriate technology resources and allow access to a wide range of technology tools for learning.
    • Students' opinions about technology are important
    • Students and staff will practice safe use of technology
    • All students will have access to appropriate technology
    • Technology will be integrated into the curriculum daily
    • Staff will receive support in the use of technology tools in the classroom
  • The COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) was created in 1998 to prohibit web sites from collecting identifying or personal information about minor children.
    This information includes
    First and Last Name
    Email Address
    Phone Number
    Social Security Number
    Any other information that would allow contact with a minor either physically or online
    If a web site collects this data from children under the age of 13, they need to obtain parental consent and identify how this information could be used. Parents have the right to request a disclosure of how that information has been used.

    Please view one of the following web sites for more information about the COPPA Act. http://www.coppa.org/ or http://epic.org/privacy/kids/#introduction