• Title I Information



    Information About Title I


    With a nearly 60% Free and Reduced Lunch percentage, our school qualifies again this year for school-wide Title I funding and services. We will receive approximately $135,000 which will be used to increase student achievement, provide professional development, support family and parent engagement, purchase additional instructional supplies/resources and licenses for access to technology programs, lower class size, etc.


    Specifically, with Title I Funds and services this year, we are able to fund our STEM Lab Coordinator, two Interventionists, STEMmersion learning experiences for our staff members to help us maintain our designation as a NC STEM School of Distinction, Data Days where our Teachers will work to conduct deep data analyses of student performance following benchmark assessments to adjust learning plans to better meet students’ demonstrated needs, more books for our school library, Kindergarten Camp, and our Reading Family Night, Math Family Night, and the 3rd Annual Trick-or-Teach event.  We will also be working in conjunction with our community to celebrate our school’s history and traditions at Buster’s 67th Birthday Bash!