• Beverly Hills Elementary, which opened its doors beginning with the 1954-55 school year, is one of Cabarrus County’s few remaining neighborhood schools. We average 330-400 students at any given time. Since we are an older school which has had several additional buildings and mobile units added over the years, our campus is open. We have a diverse population with approximately 65% economically disadvantaged - making us eligible to receive Federal funding. We have a very devoted, caring and highly qualified staff.

    CLICK HERE for more Title 1 Information.


    Our PTO is very active and supportive of Beverly Hills. They have had an instrumental part in equipping classrooms with 21st century technology. We are also very fortunate to have many community and parent volunteers who support us on a daily basis. 


    Beverly Hills Elementary practices Positive Behavior Intervention & Support Initiative (PBIS). Our students are Respectful, Responsible, and Safe. With the implementation of PBIS we have gained back instructional time that was once lost due to correction of inappropriate behavior. Gaining back instructional time helped us meet expected growth last year! Our teachers work well collaborating, planning, and analyzing student data in order to improve on instructional practices to meet student needs.

Last Modified on July 15, 2021