Phone: 704-260-6790


Degrees and Certifications:


Mrs. Shelby Barton

This will be my fourth year with CCS and in the Owls Class although I have over 25 years of prior experience in the field of Speech Pathology, and 18+  years of experience with preschool children.  I love being a part of giving young children the gift of communication and the empowerment that it brings.  I also enjoy working with parents and equipping them with the skills they need to be their child’s best teacher every day!

When I am not playing and talking with children at school, I am the wife of a wonderful gentleman, mother to two beautiful daughters and "Grammy" to my first granddaughter.  My oldest daughter is married, in her first year of being a mom and her 5th year as a middle school music teacher. My youngest daughter is in her sophomore year of college this year.  In what little spare time I have, I enjoy reading, movies, theater and playing with my little dog Maisy!