Bremerton School District Alcohol and Drug Policy
ALCOHOL/DRUGSBoard Policy 3241 states, “Illicit Drugs – Use, possess, sell, distribute or be under the influence of illicit drugs, (e.g.: hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana), mind-altering substances, medication not prescribed by a physician and approved in writing by the parent/guardian, drug paraphernalia, alcohol beverage or intoxicant of any kind or any item which purports (look-alikes) to be such. Students shall not be in possession of anabolic steroids on school premises or at school-sponsored events. No student may give, dispense, or administer any medication or remedy to another student.” Offenses are accumulated throughout the school year.
Students found to be in possession, using or be under the influence of alcohol/drugs; and/or be in possession of related paraphernalia on school property, school-sponsored events or in transit to school-sponsored events. Drug Paraphernalia included but not limited to e-cigarettes, vaping devices, and e-juice products.
- Law Enforcement may be notified.
- A letter will be sent to the parent/guardian.
Students found to be in possession of alcohol/druge with intent to sell/distribute, minimum Long-Term Suspension of at least 45 days.
- Law Enforcement will be notified.
- A letter will be sent to the parent/guardian.