• How to Report an Absence

    If your child is not attending school, please report the absence as soon as possible.

    When reporting make sure you have the following information:

    • Date(s) of the Absence
    • Student Name
    • Student Grade
    • Student Teacher
    • Reason for the absence
      • Please be specific, some absences are considered excused and some unexcused by ed code
      • Illness: fever, vomiting, cold, flu, etc.
      • Doctor's appointment
      • Dental appoinment
      • Other
    • Please provide the school with a doctor's note any time your child is out for a medical reason
    • Person reporting the absence and relationship to student


    There are several ways parents can report a student absence:

    • Call the office, you may leave a message on our answering system if not during school hours
    • Bring the note to the office, include parent signature