• Volunteer Code of Conduct


    In my role as an Alvord Unified School District volunteer, I agree to abide by the following code of volunteer conduct:



    1. Immediately upon arrival, I will sign in at the principal’s office or the designated sign-in station.

    2. I will wear or show a volunteer identification whenever required by the school to do so.

    3. I will use only adult bathroom facilities.

    4. I agree to never be alone with individual students without the authorization of teachers and/or school authorities.

    5. I will not solicit outside contact with students or give gifts or cards to students without administrative approval.

    6. I will exchange home directory information only with parental and administrative approval and only if it is required as part of my role as a volunteer. I agree not to exchange telephone numbers, home address, e-mail addresses or other home directory information with students for any other purpose.

    7. I will maintain confidentiality outside of school and will share any concerns that I may have with teachers and school administrators.

    8. I agree to not transport students without the written permission of parents or guardians or without the expressed permission of the school or district.

    9. I will not disclose, use, or disseminate student photographs or personal information about students or others.

    10. I agree not to post, transmit, publish, or display harmful or inappropriate matter that is threatening, obscene, disruptive or sexually explicit or that could be construed as any form of harassment.

    11. I agree only to do what is in the best personal and educational interest of every child with whom I come into contact.



    Under Penal Code 290.95 I am required to disclose to school officials if I am a registered sex offender. My failure to disclose this fact could result in my arrest, prosecution, and likely fine and imprisonment. By placing my name below, I declare under penalty of perjury, that I am not required pursuant to Penal Code 290.95 to disclose to school officials that I am not a registered sex offender, and that I have not suffered convictions for sex or drug related offenses or for crimes of violence, and there are no criminal charges pending against me.


    I agree to follow the District Volunteer Code of Conduct at all times in my role as a Alvord Unified School District volunteer or cease volunteering immediately.
