• Attendance Procedures

    All students are required to be in school every day and on time.

    For children to get the most of the school experience, it is very important that they attend school regularly, and arrive on time. Absences and tardies have a strong effect on student performance. Students arriving late also disrupt the learning for other children. If your child is ill, he/she should, of course, stay at home, but please stress the importance of coming to school and arriving on time. Students leaving early before the end of the school day also miss important learning, so we ask that you make sure your child stays for the entire day every day, except if they get sick and need to go home.


    1. Gates open at 8:05 a.m. for students that eat breakfast at school. Students should arrive on campus by 8:40 a.m. to avoid the risk of being marked late.
    2. The first bell rings at 8:30 to allow students to enter the campus. They are supervised on the playground until the 8:40 bell. At this time students are to stop and freeze from any activity until given direction to go line up.
    3. Teachers pick up students from the line at 8:40-8:45 a.m. to walk to their classroom.
    4. The front gate will close exactly at the 8:45 a.m. bell. Any student arriving at 8:45 a.m. or after will need to go through the office to check in and be given a tardy slip. Students who are late due to a medical or dental appointment will be asked for a note from the doctor verifying the office visit.
    5. Parents of students with three or more unexcused absences or excessive excused absences and those with excessive tardies will receive a SART letter informing them of their child’s truancy. If attendance does not improve, parents must meet with the administration to sign a SART contract to improve their child’s attendance.
    6. Continued truancy caused by excessive excused and unexcused absences and tardies will be submitted to the District Student Attendance Review Board. Parents could face fines.
    7. Parents are asked to not take children out of class in the last 30 minutes of school, between 2:30 to 3:00 p.m.  This time is critical as teachers close the instructional day with interventions and give instruction regarding homework and assignments. Try to schedule doctor’s appointment after school so that children are not disrupted in the last half hour of class. Please give the office staff the reason for taking out your child. A doctor’s note may be requested for repeated early checkouts.



