• Collett Elementary

    Traffic Safety at morning arrival

    8:00 a.m. - 8:45 a.m.



    The safety of our students is VITAL and your compliance with the following traffic and parking procedures is imperative to ensure the children's well-being.


    Remember that the first and third Wednesdays are Street sweeper days. Do not leave your car on the street.


    • Students enter school at the front gate by the flag pole. Gate opens at 8:15 a.m. for those eating breakfast in the cafeteria and at 8:30 a.m. for everyone else. You should not drop off your child earlier than 8:00 a.m. or later than 8:40 a.m. The front gate closes at 8:45.


    • All students walking to school in the morning need to use crosswalks and follow all safety rules. Students and parents are to obey the crossing guard at all times.


    • From 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. as you are heading eastbound on Collett Avenue to enter the school, DO NOT PARK along the curbside in front of Collett Park. A new traffic sign has been posted that reads:



    o   NO PARKING – curbside cars must move forward – 8-9 a.m. & 2:15-3:15 p.m. – M, W, Th, F and 1:15-2:15 p.m. on Tuesdays

    o   The curbside in front of Collett Park will be used as a stacking lane to keep vehicles from blocking travel lanes on Collett Avenue. You may      be ticketed for parking there at those times.


    • Drivers coming to Collett westbound on Collett Avenue should not make a left turn into the school driveway from 8:15-8:40 a.m. This action blocks the driveway loop and creates a safety issue for other drivers and school buses.


    • The double lanes in front of the school office are for drop off and pick up ONLY. It is vital that cars carefully enter and exit this area. In the morning, please remain on the right lane and pull all the way forward to the second stop sign before letting the students out of the car. Students need to be ready with their backpacks to step out quickly and parents need to drive off immediately after. The left lane is for exiting the area when necessary. There is no parking allowed in these lanes. During the morning rush, as you exit, make a right turn only onto Collett Avenue.


    • The parking spaces in front of the school against Collett Avenue are temporary spaces for visitors conducting business at the school.


    •  Kinder parents that walk their children to class may park along the street curb on Collett Avenue.


    • The parking lot between the school and Collett Park is for staff parking. This is not a pick up or drop off area. Please do not park in this area. The yellow gate will be locked during school hours: 8:30a.m.- 3:00 p.m. If you park here it may be difficult to have a staff member to unlock the gate for you at these times.


    • The disabled parking spacespainted in blue are for cars displaying a handicap placard ONLY.


    • The crosswalk at the corner of Collett Ave and Newby Drive must be used by all students and parents crossing the street.  If you live close to the school, please walk your child to school. For those living farther away, you may park in the neighborhood and walk your child to class to help decrease the number of cars at the beginning and end of the school day.


    Traffic Safety at dismissal

    3:00-3:20 p.m. M, W, Th, F

    1:45-2:00 p.m. Tuesdays (Minimum Days)


    The safety of our students is VITAL and your compliance with the following traffic and parking procedures is imperative to ensure the children's well-being.

    Remember that the first and third Wednesdays are Street sweeper days. Do not leave your car on the street.


    • Due to construction, all students that walk home at dismissal MAY exit by the gate between rooms 3 and K1 or by Collett Park and bike rack. Parents may wait for them outside these gates and students are released as they see the adult picking them up. Please train students to go home only with the person they know is allowed to pick them up. Students are not to go somewhere else without their parent prior approval.


    • All students picked up in a vehicle at dismissal MUST be picked up in front of the main office. Parents are not to stand and wait for students in this area. Drivers must stay in the car at all times, stay on the right lane and move all the way forward to allow more cars on the driveway and reduce the traffic on the street.  Students will be asked to board right in front of the main office.


    • Between 2:15-3:15 p.m.  as you are heading eastbound on Collett Avenue to enter the school, DO NOT PARK along the curbside in front of Collett Park. A new traffic sign has been posted that reads:


    o   NO PARKING – curbside cars must move forward – 8-9 a.m. & 2:15-3:15 p.m. – SCHOOL DAYS

    o   The curbside is in front of Collett Park will be used as a stacking lane to keep vehicles from blocking travel lanes on Collett Avenue. You          may be ticketed for parking there at those times.

    o   On Tuesdays, you shouldn’t park here between 1:15-2:00 p.m. so that you do not block traffic flow on Collett Avenue


    • Drivers coming to Collett westbound on Collett Avenue should not make a left turn into the school driveway between 2:45-3:20 p.m. This action blocks the driveway loop and creates a safety issue for other drivers and school buses.


    • The parking lot between the school and Collett Park is for staff parking only. This is not a pick up or drop off area. Please do not park in this area. The yellow gate will be locked during school hours: 8:30a.m.- 3:00 p.m.



    Traffic Safety at Kinder dismissal

    1:00 – 1:15 p.m.


    • All Kinder students must be picked up by a parent or guardian in the teacher designated area. Kinder students will not be allowed to walk off campus by themselves or go with a person that is not on the emergency contacts list.
    • Drivers may park along the right lane curbside in front of the school for a few minutes. Do not block the left lane. Do not park on any prohibited areas. Do not block or park in front of the crosswalks.
    • Students not picked up by 2:45 p.m. must be picked up from the office and signed out by parent or guardian.
Happy Students
No Parking