
    December 1924
    Alvord School’s New Building Opens



    Riverside Daily Press-  December 18, 1924
    Dedication of New Building


    Dedication of the new auditorium and other additions to the Alvord School, completed in October, took place on December 19, 1924.  Addresses were given by Architect G. Stanley Wilson, County Superintendent of Schools Ira C. Landis, and John E. Wherrell, President of the county farm bureau.  A. E. Keller, Clerk of the School Board, presided over the gathering.

    The new schoolhouse, built in 1924, centered around community life with the various civic organizations such as the Booster club, 4-H clubs, farm center and Alvord’s Woman’s club taking advantage of its auditorium and other facilities.  The principal was Mrs. Lulu E. Main, a long-time resident of the area.  She oversaw a faculty of seven teachers with an average daily attendance of 184 pupils.



    Alvord HS 1924