School-Wide Learner Outcomes

  • Our STORM outcomes develop confident students who are: self-driven, technologically innovative, academic achievers, and responsible citizens.


    • Meets requirements to pass courses towards diploma
    • Students are active participants in creating and achieving their academic plan
    • Applies skills, knowledge, time management, and mental endurance to tests and projects
    • Develops an understanding of their learning style, study habits, strengths and areas for improvement
    • Applies higher level thinking skills in order to solve real world problems and achieve goals
    • Understands urgency to make progress, meet goals, and maintain motivation throughout the school year


    • Learn and use digital citizenship
    • Uses print and digital media to communicate ideas
    • Evaluates websites for credibility and is critical in determining accurate and false information.
    • Ability to engage in online learning when necessary
    • Understand how to use Google Drive, Docs, Sheets and Slides 
    • Establish proper email etiquette and appropriate usage. 


    • Maintain Weekly Calendar
    • Meets deadlines and due dates
    • Sets reminders
    • Arrives at school with laptop charged and charger available
    • Keeps important papers and documents organized (not thrown in backpack)

    Readiness (College & Career)

    • Demonstrates collaborative work habits
    • Participates in school and/or community projects
    • Honors the differences of others and actively work toward a welcoming and cooperative school environment
    • Create a resume
    • Develop interviewing skills
    • Properly fill out a job application
    • Complete a college application
    • Complete a personality/career assessment
    • Build independence and develop self-advocacy skills


    • Utilizes resources to help with personal or school situations
    • Knows how to disconnect from media and technology in order to concentrate or relieve stress
    • Knows and uses S.T.O.P. when feeling stressed or angry
    • Stop what you’re doing
    • Take a few deep breaths
    • Observe your experience (thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations)
    • Proceed with something that will support you in that moment
    • Actively develops healthy habits and works towards personal wellness goals
    • Practices gratitude
    • Practices self reflection as it pertains to social and academic choices
    • Being aware of your surroundings