
     Petition for a New School District




    Riverside Independent Enterprise-  January 14, 1909
    Outsiders Want School District               


    It is probable that a new school district will be formed in the territory recently voted out of the city.  A petition is being circulated among the voters and will be submitted to the Board of Supervisors.  There are not more than 25 pupils in the proposed district and these are at present attending the Alvord school.





    Riverside Independent Enterprise-  February 4, 1909
    Changes Made in School Boundaries 


    A new school district to be known as Alvord, between Riverside and Corona, was ordered formed, upon petition of the residents of the districts.  The territory of the new district was formerly in the Magnolia District Riverside.





    Riverside Independent Enterprise-  February 13, 1909
    Alvord School Petition


    A petition signed by the parents or guardians of 17 school census children for the formation of a school district to known as Alvord School District, was presented and duly considered and upon motion of Supervisor Hamner, seconded by Supervisor Carlton, and duly carried, the resolution was adopted.





    Riverside Independent Enterprise-  May 27, 1909
    School Census of Riverside Shows Good Ratio of Increase


    There are 2,981 children between the ages of 5 and 17 in the city of Riverside, an increase of 100 over the figures last year.  The real gain is larger than these figures would indicate, for the reason that the area of the Riverside District has been reduced within the past year by the cutting off of the Alvord District, which was formerly part of Riverside.  Alvord District has 56 children of school age, the gain in what was formerly Riverside District was 156 in the past year.





    Riverside Daily Press-  March 10, 1910
    Alvord School District Needs


    Members of Board of Trustees discuss at length the issue now before the district regarding building plans.  An issue as to whether a four or five room building or a two room structure is needed.  Currently, the district has only a one room classroom building on two acres of land.  A decision needs to be made and will be separate voting ballots.

                    First - $1500.  Voting for or against the water supply
                    Second - $4500.  For two class rooms, two basement rooms and all accessories
                    Third - $8000 and possibly $9000:  To provide for the large structure

    The Board of Trustees state:  "Let us have the two-classroom building now:  we will be fair to our neighborhood and retain their friendship.  Let us remember that we can add the extra rooms as we need them:  the architect’s plans provide for that.  Some changes may then be commendable as dictated by modern needs.  Next meeting will be Monday, March 14, from 7 to 10 p.m." 




    Riverside Independent Enterprise-  May 7, 1910
    Issuance of Bonds


    "Board of Supervisors acknowledges that the Board of Trustees of Alvord School District, did, as authorized by law, call an election and submit to the electors of said district, whether bonds of such district should be issued and sold for the purposes of raising money to build, furnish and insure school building and to improved grounds.  More than two-thirds of the votes cast were in favor of issuing such bonds.  Board of Supervisors hereby ordered that the bonds of the said Alvord School District, in the County of Riverside, California, do issue in the number of fifteen of the denomination of and amount of one thousand dollars each, aggregating the sum of fifteen thousand dollars and shall run from two to sixteen years.  All of said bonds are hereby declared to be payable in gold, with interest thereon in like coin, at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually.  Bonds shall be sold by the Board of Supervisors to the highest bidder for cash."




    Riverside Daily Press-  July 16, 1910
    Alvord Plans to Build New, Larger Building


    Superintendent Cree of the county of public schools has been conferring with the trustees of the Alvord School District with regard to the construction of a new school building.  The plans call for a handsome 3-room building of the mission style