

    January 1896
    A New District to be Formed




    Riverside Daily Press-  January 20, 1896
    New School District Wanted


    J. W. Babcock and six others, representing a total of twenty-four children of school age, have sent a petition to County Superintendent Hyatt asking for the establishment of a new school district to be known as Alvord.




    Riverside Independent Enterprise-  February 6, 1896
    Petition Granted


    Petition of residents in the lower end of Magnolia School District, representing twenty-four pupils, for a new district to be known by the name of Alvord, was granted. The boundary lines of the new district are as follows: Taylor Street with north line of city, running west to the northwest corner of city, thence south and east along boundary line of city to intersection of said boundary line with Taylor Street, thence north on Taylor Street to place of beginning. Today, this property is now the home of Alvord Continuation High School.




    Riverside Independent Enterprise-  February 16, 1896
    Trustees Appointed


    J. W. Babcock, H. M. Jameson, and C. C. Pond have been appointed Trustees of the new Alvord District. There will be no school there until next September.