- Mexico CSD
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- Prior Updates from the Superintendent
Archive: Past COVID updates from the Superintendent
Below you will find updates from Superintendent of Schools as they are released.
Jan. 28, 2022
Earlier this week, the Appellate Division, Second Department issued a stay order which upheld the Department of Health's mask requirement in schools (10 NYCRR 2.60). Although the court set a hearing deadline for today (Friday, Jan. 28), the State Education Department has confirmed that this deadline pertained only to written submissions. SED anticipates that the court will issue a further ruling in the coming weeks.
Until such time, the district is required to comply with the mask rule that remains in effect. School districts must also abide by any commitment to mask wearing contained in their publicly posted reopening plans for the 2021-2022 school year.
I understand and respect there are many differing opinions about mask-wearing and protocols, and the district office is happy to discuss them at any time. We will continue to keep our community informed regarding any further decisions and updates to our COVID-19 procedures as they take place.
Dr. Runner
Jan. 25, 2022
Recently, in the case of Massapequa UFSD vs. Hochul, the Albany County Supreme Court ruled in favor of masks being worn in schools. Yesterday, the Nassau County Supreme Court, in the case of Demetriou et. al. vs. NYS Department of Health, ruled against masks being worn in schools. Our School Attorney has informed us that these conflicting decisions will be resolved in the NYS Court of Appeals. While awaiting this decision, the New York State Commissioner of Education, Betty Rosa, has reminded us that schools are still required to enforce mask wearing in schools, per 10 NYSRR 2.60. The district will continue to monitor these court proceedings and will be prepared to pivot and adapt our protocols on masks when and if we are legally able to do so. As of now, the requirement to wear a mask in school is still in place at Mexico Schools.
Dr. Runner, Superintendent
January 7, 2022
Dear MACS Family and Community,Thank you for your patience as I share the ever-changing guidance from the Department of Health regarding how to be safe during the pandemic. We anticipate ongoing changes and will continue to communicate with you as we receive them. If you have any questions, please contact me. Have a peaceful evening!
- At-home positive tests should be reported using the link on the MACS District website which can be found under the "COVID-19 Information" tab. Once you complete those we will share with the Department of Health on your behalf.
Self-Report Positive At-Home COVID-19 Test (office.com)
• The latest guidance allows for a reduced number of days in quarantine within specific parameters. If someone has COVID, is unvaccinated or not boosted they will isolate for five days, then if they have no symptoms, they can resume normal activities but wear a well-fitting mask for five additional days. If the person is vaccinated and has had a booster or is vaccinated but not eligible for a booster then no quarantine is required. They just monitor for symptoms and wear a well-fitting mask for ten days. Anyone experiencing symptoms should get a COVID test. The information below was in a handy chart but disappeared with formatting in the BlackBoard system...sorry! If you want the chart, email me and I will share it with you.
Tested as COVID Positive: Isolate 5 Days: Careful Masking 5 Days
Identified as a Close Contact:
Unvaccinated- Isolate 5 Days: Careful Masking 5 Days (if no symptoms)
Vaccinated but not boosted- Isolate 5 Days: Careful Masking 5 Days (if no symptoms)
Vaccinated + boosted- No quarantine; monitor for symptoms; careful masking for 10 days (If symptomatic isolate and get a test.)
Vaccinated but not eligible for a booster- No quarantine; monitor for symptoms; careful masking for 10 days (If symptomatic isolate and get a test.)
Dr. Runner, Superintendent
(315) 200-9542June 8, 2021
Dear MACS Family and Community,
Late yesterday evening we received updated guidance from the New York State Department of Health regarding masking:
• Face masks are required at all times in indoor school facilities, except for meals.
• Effective June 7, 2021, face masks are not required to be worn outdoors on school grounds, including during outdoor sports. However, Responsible Parties may choose to require face masks outdoors on school grounds, subject to the parameters of this guidance. No student, teacher, staff member or visitor may be prevented from wearing an acceptable face mask voluntarily on school grounds.
The loosening of that restriction means that we have the option of allowing our students, staff and visitors to be outside without masks for recess, Physical Education, sports practices and games, and other activities. Beginning tomorrow, Wednesday, June 9, MACS will no longer require masking while outdoors on campus. If applicable, for sporting events after school today (6/8), you may give permission to your child’s coach for your child to remove their mask for those activities and guests will not be required to wear masks. Social distancing protocols will still apply throughout campus.
If you as a parent or guardian wish to have your child wear a mask while outside, please let the teacher know and we will support you in that decision. We will not compromise safety and appreciate your patience as we continue to navigate the pandemic.
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s principal or me. Thank you for partnering with us to educate your child!
Dr. Runner
April 30, 2021
Dear MACS families and community,
As we enter the final two months of a challenging school year, I am excited that we can bring in our scholars for four days of in-person instruction beginning on Monday, May 3! Following the latest CDC and state Department of Health guidance, we will continue to implement the layered mitigation protocols to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment for our school family.
Students in grades pre-K through six will be socially distanced at 3 feet apart for core -instruction in the classroom and 6 feet apart for specials’ classes and when eating. Grades 7-12 will be socially distanced at 6 feet apart for all instruction and when eating. We will remain fully masked all day except for meals as part of our safety protocols along with frequent handwashing and cleaning of the facilities. Transportation on buses will require one student per seat, except for family members and daycare cohorts. We will continue temperature screening and expect completion of health questionnaires for staff and students.
We are also still happy to offer a fully virtual option for students in grades pre-K through 12.
I am extremely proud of the scholars, staff and families who have maintained positive attitudes and paid careful attention to meeting the expectations and limiting the spread of COVID. Our efforts as a community during this pandemic must be applauded.
We will keep a watchful eye on the transmission rates in our county and carefully monitor the situation and make any necessary changes. We will not compromise the safety of our students and staff. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to your child’s teacher, building principal or myself.
Thank you for partnering with us to educate your child.
Dr. Runner
Superintendent of Schools
Dec. 18, 2020
Dear MACS community,
I hope that this message finds you staying safe and healthy during the holiday season. The snowfall this week has turned the scenery into a winter wonderland, and I understand if weather stands up to history, we may be seeing a lot more in the coming months. I look forward to my first winter in Mexico!
I am writing today with a few COVID-19 updates and protocols as we return to school.
Unfortunately, the district was informed Friday of two Mexico Academy & Central School District students and one teacher that have tested positive for COVID-19. The health department is completing contact tracing, and no further identifying information will be given due to confidentiality concerns.
We are seeing a continuous increase in the number of positive COVID-19 cases in our schools, across the county and regionally, and to ensure a safer environment for all, the district has made the decision to require masks at all times for all students and staff when our hybrid in-person model resumes. Questions or clarifications regarding this new, board-approved decision may be brought to your building principal.
We hope that everyone can find time to unwind and enjoy the holiday break while also staying safe. We encourage students, families and staff to follow CDC and health department guidelines and recommendations against travel and gatherings with family and friends who do not live in the same household.
While this will be challenging and make for a different type of holiday season, these sacrifices are necessary to help stop the spread and ease the burden on the healthcare system. We have been informed that anyone who travels out of state will be required per the health department to follow specific step-by-step guidelines before returning to work or school.
As of today, our plan is to return to our in-person hybrid model on Monday, January 4. We will continue to monitor local data and collaborate with the local health department. Should our fully remote model need to be extended, we will release that information as soon as possible.
I appreciate all the wonderful work that I’ve seen from teachers, staff and students during my first week here at MACS. I am truly humbled and honored to be working among such a caring and kind community of teachers, staff and families. Together, we will get through this.
Anyone with questions or concerns about COVID-19 can contact the Oswego County Health Department COVID-19 Hotline at (315) 349-3330.
My district cell phone number is (315) 200-9542. Please feel free to reach out with any concerns or questions I may be able to assist with.
Thank you for your time and have a peaceful weekend!
Donna Runner, Ed. D.
July 21, 2020: Temporary Stadium Closure
Update 7/24/2020: The stadium has reopened for public use during specified times. Please see a letter from Athletic Director Andrew Gates regarding the situation.
At this time, we apologize for the inconvenience of temporarily closing down our stadium to the public. We have had some incidents reported recently of gatherings on the track and field, where social distancing guidelines have not been followed. Since the Mexico Academy and Central School District cannot ensure the that current restrictions are followed, we found it necessary to temporarily close the facility. We are conferring with our school attorneys for further guidance. We are looking out for the health and safety of our community, while protecting the district from any potential liability. Please be patient while we wait on further guidance from the state and our school attorneys.
Below is the guidance we are adhering to. Please note the second paragraph.
The NYSPHSAA was informed by the Governor’s office on June 25th schools are able to allow individuals or groups access to their fields and grounds. However, schools are still prohibited from any indoor activities, any in-person instruction (excluding special education), and any organized sports or recreational activities that are hosted/operated.
Schools should restrict access to their fields or grounds if they do not have the essential personnel necessary (e.g. maintenance, security) to ensure that current restrictions on gathering size, as well as current protocols on cleaning and disinfection are followed.
Michael Schiedo
Interim Superintendent
Mexico Academy and Central Schools
April 10, 2020
Dear MACS Families,
I hope this letter finds you and your family healthy and happy! For those who are celebrating Passover or Good Friday and Easter, I wish you a happy holiday!
To state that the last four plus weeks have been challenging would be an understatement! Everything seems to be changing daily and sometimes several times a day. I appreciate your patience as we sort through the information we are given. I realize you may have many questions, as do we, but I assure you we will provide updates as soon as we process and understand the directives and policy changes we are given. Please continue to check our district website for the latest information and check your email.
It appears that the end of the turmoil inherent to this health crisis is still a moving target. Thankfully, we are a great District with extraordinary students, staff, families, community members, and Board of Education members! I continue to be impressed by everyone and honored to serve as superintendent! Below please find updates and summaries in each of the (bold type) categories.
Continuity of Learning
The New York State Education Department continually provides updates and clarity regarding how we are to support our students with instruction during this extended closure. Please know that your child’s health and wellbeing continue to be our primary focus. However, due to the extended closure, it is extremely important that your child is engaging in their schoolwork and outcomes identified by their teacher(s). We realize how difficult it is to balance the stress of this health crisis, managing your family and supporting your child’s learning. The learning opportunities we are providing for your child is intended to be supportive and not overwhelming. We ask that if your child is struggling with completing their schoolwork to please reach out to their classroom teacher.I am proud of how our District has adapted to this health crisis. For continuity of learning, we have categorized these adaptations in phases as follows:
Phase 1 (Oswego County: 3/16/20-4/14/20 & Executive Order: 3/18/20- 4/10/20)
Our first phase can be organized as the initial closure date. There is a discrepancy on dates because On Sunday, March 16, Oswego County Legislature Chairman James Weatherup has ordered the closure of K-12 schools March 16 until April 14. Governor Andrew Cuomo then directed all New York State school be closed for two weeks from March 18 two weeks ending April 10, 2020. Since the Executive order overrides the local government, the dates changed.Initially, we decided that because the potential change to daily life was high and the initial information about the short- and long-term understanding was low, which resulted in our decision to try to provide as much consistency as possible during such traumatic event. Our decision included continuing to use technology for students in grades 9-12. For students in PK through 8, we used printed learning packets. Printed learning packets along with technology devices for students in grade 9-12, musical instruments and some student personal property were delivered to students according to bus routes. I thank our transportation colleagues and volunteers for successfully carrying out this extraordinary accomplishment!
Phase 2 (April 1-14)
In his press conference on Friday, March 27, Governor Cuomo announced the statewide closure of schools would be extend for an additional two weeks, until April 15.Throughout this phase, we continued electronic continuity of learning for students in grades 9-12. We created a second set of 2-week printed learning packet for students in PK-8. Our plan to produce these packets aligned with proper social distancing directives, including mailing them to homes instead a second bus delivery.
Additionally, we received enough information to conclude that while the closures were being ordered in 2-week increments, it was likely to be more long-term. Based on this, we decided that adding electronic learning for students in grades PK-8 would be more efficient and effective. We distributed PK-4 student laptops by alphabet from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, April 7 at each of our elementary schools. We followed the same process and times on Wednesday, April 8th for students in grades 5-8 at our middle school. In all, 1,080 student laptops were picked up. I am grateful for our parents and proud of our colleagues in grades PK-8 who volunteered to assist with technology pick up!
We have approximately 120 laptops that were not picked up and will be providing an evening pick up opportunity on Tuesday, April 14 at each of our schools from 4-6 p.m.
We will be transitioning to electronic learning for students in grades PK-8 beginning the week of April 20 when the second learning packets should be completed.
During Phase 2, we also learned that Regents exams were canceled. We have recently received additional information from the State Education Department regarding graduation requirements related to the cancellation of the June 2020 Regents Examinations. Students in grades 7-12 intending to participate in one or more of the June 2020 Regents Exams shall be exempt from the requirements of taking the exam, provided they meet set guidelines. Please see the below document summarizing the recent guidance specific to our high school and middle school students taking Regents level courses. A special thanks to CiTi BOCES Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and Mexico resident, Roseann Bayne for creating the chart!
Student Meals
I thank our food service and transportation colleagues for the on-going preparation and distribution of meals for our students. Meal demand has steadily increased since our initial closure. Since initial closure, we have been preparing and providing breakfasts and lunches for our students. Our food service colleagues are currently preparing and providing 8,440 student meals each week or 1,688 per day, and that is amazing! In addition to assisting with and leading this herculean effort, our Food Service Manager, Brenda Thomas has also applied for grants to supplement the costs. Your efforts and dedication to our community is very much appreciated!!!District Buildings & Grounds
A huge thank you to our Operations and Maintenance staff who have cleaned and sanitized our buildings multiple times. I also thank them for their continued efforts in ensuring our facilities remain ready for our return.It is critically important that social distancing directives are strictly followed while using our outdoor facilities. We had experienced people playing basketball, which required us to remove the basketball nets at all our facilities. We prefer that our facilities continue to be one of the few outdoor
opportunities, but that can only be accomplished with everyone’s following social distancing directives. I thank everyone who has already done this and in advance for the continuation to do so.
Annual School District Budget Vote & School Board Elections
Votes on school district budgets typically take place annually on the third Tuesday in May. This year’s date was scheduled for Tuesday, May 19, 2020. Governor Cuomo ordered that this year’s school district budget votes and school board elections be scheduled for after June 1, 2020. This means that our May 19 Budget Vote and our May 5 Budget Public Hearing and Meet the Candidates night have been postponed. While we would prefer to hold the vote in the earlier part of June, no dates have been established yet as we are waiting for further information regarding a potential standard date as well as procedures.School District Budget
The State budget has been passed. The aid we will be receiving has been decreased from the Governor’s original proposed amount. Additionally, we must be prepared for further reductions throughout the school year. The final State budget authorizes the assessment of state revenues on an ongoing basis. The year will be divided into three measurement periods: April 1 - April 30, May 1 - June 30, and July 1 - December 31. If actual state operating revenue is less than 99% of projected revenue for the measurement period or actual operating fund expenditures are more than 101% of projected operating fund spending, or both, the state Division of Budget (DOB) may reduce state aid for school districts and other localities. DOB has broad authority as to how those adjustments would be made. The legislature does have the ability to counter DOB’s proposed adjustments with its own plan if it so chooses. As always, we are working diligently on a 2020-2021 budget for our District that accounts for the uncertainty and possible mid-year reductions as well as best meets the needs for all.Return to School
Governor Cuomo’s latest directive regarding school closures states that schools "...all schools shall remain closed through April 29, 2020, at which time the continued closure shall be re-evaluated." While this means that it is possible for our return to school on April 30, I don’t think it will surprise anyone to state that returning on this date is highly unlikely.As you all know, school is more than just a location where kids come to learn ideas, facts and knowledge. School is a place where students are safe, secure, fostered, encouraged and nourished. It is a place where kids live and grow. School is important for all children. Unfortunately, I have no answers as to when we will be able to return but hope it will be soon.
Graduation and End of Year Events
We are aware there are many questions surrounding our annual graduation ceremony and end of year events. While we have no definitive answers at this time, we are constantly seeking guidance and brainstorming ideas to continue with as many of our traditions as we can. I will provide updates as soon as they are available.Please know that I truly appreciate and value each of you! It is important for you to stay healthy, both physically and mentally. Please continue to follow social distancing directives. If you need assistance, please reach out to your child’s teacher, principal, District Office or me.
Thank you,
Sean C. Bruno
Superintendent of Schools
April 6, 2020
MACS Students, Staff and Families,
Please be advised of the following updates:
Governor Cuomo announced today that his “New York on Pause” executive order has been extended. This means that schools and non-essential business must remain closed until April 29.
In addition, Chancellor Betty Rosa announced that Regents Examinations for this June will be cancelled and that guidance to the field on graduation standards will be issued to the field tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon.
We will continue to provide updated information as soon as we receive it. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Continue to check your email and the district website for updates.
Thank you,
Sean C. Bruno
Superintendent of Schools
March 31, 2020
Dear MACS Families,
I hope this email finds you and your family healthy and happy!
As you know, our Governor declared the extension of school building closures last Friday. In the new Executive Order, it stated that school districts are required to “first use any vacation or snow days remaining."
This means that we will continue to provide continuity of learning and meals for our students during the entire school building closures, including the formerly scheduled Spring Break from Monday, April 6 through Monday, April 13.
As always, we work towards and hope for the best possible outcome while simultaneously planning for the worst. We hope that this crisis ends soon. While the Governor is closing school in two-week intervals, we are planning for the longer term. In planning, we do our best recognize that there needs to be a balance between recognizing the stress and fatigue that this health crisis is having on our families and learning support. We also recognize the strengths of our community as well as the differences in needs and resources.
Continuity of Learning
We distributed our first phase of learning support the week of March 16. We are currently completing our second phase of learning support, which will provide support in grades PK-12 similar to our first phase. In grades PK-8, we will be providing skills-based learning packets, which will be mailed to families this week. For grades 9-12, we will continue to provide on-line learning as well as paper packets for students who need them.
We are also continuing to plan for possible future school building closure extensions. In these future phase plans, we are including increasing laptop and electronic device distribution as well as on-line learning to our students in lower grade levels. This will support our transition to include the opportunity for new learning with skills-based review. It will also support feedback for work completed. We will communicate these plans when we have confirmed additional extended closure notification.
Report Cards
Due to the unexpected school building closure before completion of the 3rd marking period, we are not able to accurately and fairly grade our students as we typically would. We are hoping to return during the 4th marking period, which would also result in a partial marking period. At this point, we are planning to combine the 3rd and 4th marking period grading and send report cards home at the end of the school year.
Student Meal Plan
We are continuing to provide FREE “grab and go” breakfast and lunch for all Mexico CSD students (ages 1-18 & up to age 21 for classified students). In order to limit exposure to COVID-19 and make it more convenient for families:
- Student meals for the entire week will be available for pick-up from 9:30 a.m. until noon on Mondays only at each of our current three locations: Mexico High School, Palermo Elementary School and New Haven Elementary School.
- In order to accommodate new participants, Mexico High School will continue to be open from 9:30 a.m. until noon, Monday through Fridays for pick up. New participants will be provided breakfast and lunches through the end of the week and placed on the Monday weekly schedule.
If you are unable to get to any of our three sites during these hours or have questions, please call our Food Service Department at 315-963-3351 or 315-963-8400 x 5071 and we will make arrangements. Meals will continue to be provided throughout the closure, there will be no disruption for meals.
Also, please know that all school building phone numbers have been forwarded to their respective administrators. Please contact them with any questions or needs. Furthermore, we continue to update our website to provide you with information, resources and support.
Finally, I would like to re-iterate Oswego County Health Department COVID-19 recommendations:
- Stay home as much as possible.
- Avoid non-essential gatherings of all types and sizes.
- Keep six feet from other people.
- Wash hands often with soap & water for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Stay home if you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue & then throw the tissue in trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- Call your healthcare provider from home if you are experiencing symptoms such as a fever, cough or shortness of breath.
- Do not go to urgent care or an emergency department unless you are experiencing life-threatening conditions.
I truly appreciate your support and patience as we navigate our way through this unprecedented time, and hoe that you and your families continue to be happy and healthy!
Thank you,
Sean C. Bruno
Superintendent of Schools
March 27, 2020
Dear MACS Families,
I hope this message finds you and your family healthy and happy! I am writing to provide you with an Executive update.
At the outset of his daily press briefing today, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that he will extend the statewide closure of schools for an additional two weeks, until April 15 (i.e., schools would be open on the 15th). The waiver from 180-day requirements will also be extended.
Furthermore, districts are required to continue their plans for continuity of instruction, school meals, and child-care.
The new Executive Order issued today states:
"The directive contained in Executive Order 202.4 related to the closure of schools statewide shall hereafter be modified to provide that all schools shall remain closed until April 15, 2020, at which time the continued closure shall be re-evaluated. No school shall be subject to a diminution in school aid due to failure to meet the 180 day in session requirement as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, provided their closure does not extend beyond the term set forth herein. School districts must continue plans for alternative instructional options, distribution and availability of meals, and child-care, with an emphasis on serving children of essential workers, and continue to first use any vacation or snow days remaining."
Most importantly, the safety and well-being of our students, staff, families and our community continues to be our highest priority. If you need additional information or assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s building principal, our district website, or contact me for additional information.
Your continued commitment to social distancing is especially important during this critical time to help flatten the curve and prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our community.
I hope you are able to have an enjoyable weekend!
Thank you,
Sean C. Bruno
Superintendent of Schools
March 17, 2020
Good afternoon,
In an effort to maintain continuity of learning for your children, our teachers have created packets of educational activities. These materials, along with information about student meal plans, are now ready for delivery by our bus drivers.
Packets for students in grades PreK-4 will be delivered on Wednesday, March 18th between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.
Packets for students in grades 5-12 will be delivered on Thursday, March 19th between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.
In the event that you are not home at the time of delivery, these packets will be left at your home.
For some students, we will also be delivering their laptops and/ or musical instruments. Someone must be home to sign for receipt of these items. If you are not home to sign for these, we will leave you a note with further instructions for pick-up or delivery.
Thank you,
Sean C. Bruno
Superintendent of Schools
March 15, 2020
Dear MACS Staff and Families,
Oswego County Legislature Chairman James Weatherup has ordered the closure of K-12 schools March 16 until April 14 to slow or reduce the potential spread of COVID-19 in Oswego County. Legislature Chairman Weatherup has declared a local State of Emergency, but stresses this action is being taken out of an abundance of caution.
“There is currently no confirmed case of COVID-19 in Oswego County,” Legislature Chairman Weatherup said. “Because both travel-related cases and community contact transmission has occurred within New York State, Oswego County is being proactive in addressing the threat that COVID-19 poses to the health and welfare of its citizens.”
Upon this directive, Mexico Academy and Central School District, will be closed to students beginning Monday, March 16, 2020 until April 14, 2020. This closing includes all school-related activities including sports and other extracurricular activities.
All staff will continue to report tomorrow as planned for our Superintendents Conference Day. Staff reporting will change for Tuesday, March 17, 2020 until April 14, 2020. These changes will be communicated in detail tomorrow.
A more detailed communication for families regarding picking up items at the school, meals for students who receive free or reduced lunches, social supports, remote instruction and other operational procedures will be emailed and posted on our district website in the near future.
All events hosted by an outside organization on the MACS campus beginning now are canceled or postponed.
The Oswego County Health Department and school leaders will review this situation on a week-to-week basis. We will continue to provide you with updates as they develop.
Sean C. Bruno
Superintendent of Schools
March 13, 2020
Dear MACS Staff and Families,
I am writing to provide you with an update regarding COVID-19.
As you know, COVID-19 has now been officially declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Information regarding this virus continues to rapidly change and evolve.
The good news is that there are no confirmed cases in our community or our county, which classifies us as being at low risk. Along with the recommendations of DOH and our Governor to ensure that we are doing all we can to support our continued status as low risk, we must review all areas of our District and adjust where necessary. In the coming week, we will be updating information on changes necessary to events, facilities, trips, professional development and other procedures to ensure safety of our students, staff, families and community.
The news has just reported extended school closures in Oneida, Herkimer and Tompkins Counties. It is my sincere hope that we do not experience confirmed cases. It is also my sincere hope that we are not required to close. However, we must realize that this is a possibility. Our District has been, and continues, to prepare for these possibilities. One example is that in the event of a closure, we have been approved to operate a feeding program similar to our summer feeding program. This information and more will be communicated in detail if we are required to close.
I realize that an extended closure will have a huge impact on our families in a variety of ways, so it is imperative that everyone continues to plan for possible extended closure. We will do our best to provide staff and parents with as much notice as possible regarding any closures.
For more information on COVID-19, please view the below links from the New York State Health Department, State Education Department, and the CDC. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
NYS Department of Health page on Coronavirus
New York State Education Department
Navigating these “uncharted waters” is challenging. However, we are a strong and supportive community, and we will get through this together. Thank you for your continued cooperation and support!
Sean C. Bruno
Superintendent of Schools
March 4, 2020
Dear Mexico Academy and Central School District Families,
Throughout the last few weeks, the United States Centers for Disease Control and President Trump have spoken extensively about the new coronavirus known as COVID-19. As a result, the media coverage is intensifying, and anxiety is rising. I want to assure you that Mexico Central School District is aware of the virus and is planning in the event a case does appear locally.
Our District will continue to work in collaboration with and seek guidance from the NYS Department of Health, Oswego County Department of Health and the NYS Department of Education.
Please know the safety of our students and staff is our top priority. In addition to our standard practices during flu season, MACS has increased sanitization of our schools, classrooms, desks, door handles, busses, and other high-contact areas.
At this time, there are no local cases and no vaccines for COVID-19. The best way to prevent acquiring the virus is to avoid being exposed. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends preventative actions every day to help minimize the spread of the virus. Suggestions from the CDC include:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or sleeve (not your hands) when coughing or sneezing. Throw used tissues immediately into the garbage.
- Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces frequently.
People who think they have been exposed to COVID-19 should contact their healthcare provider. Local health departments will contact schools if a suspected or known case emerges.
Below are clickable resources with additional information:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on COVID-19
New York State Department of Health
As a reminder, school districts experience many types of illnesses, including the flu, this time of year. Families play an important role in helping to keep students healthy. Below are guidelines from the CDC for when a child should stay home from school.
- Had a fever of 100 degrees or higher during the past 24 hours. Please do not allow your children to return to school unless they are fever-free without fever-reducing medication for 24 hours.
- Had diarrhea or vomited during the past 24 hours
- Has a persistent cough and/or runny nose that interferes with concentration
- Has one or both eyes that are red, watery or draining
- Has been on medication for an infection for fewer than 24 hours
Thank you for your continued cooperation as we work together to ensure a safe learning environment in all our schools and buildings.
Sean C. Bruno
Superintendent of Schools