April 9, 2024 Meeting Minutes

  • The regular meeting of the Warsaw Central School Board of Education was called to order at        

    6:33 p.m. in the Elementary School Building by Mr. Robb, President.


    Members Present:  Mr. Robb, Mrs. Royce, Mr. Grover, Mrs. Tangeman, Mr. Tarbell, Mr. Youngers.  Mrs. Baker arrived at 7:50 p.m.


    Members Absent:  None


    Others Present:  Mr. Wilkins, Ms. Grisewood, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Burnham, Mr. Kenney, Mrs. D’Amico, Mr. Webb, Ms. Conable, Mrs. Conley.


    Mr. Robb led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


    Administrative Restructuring Proposal Presentation – Mr. Wilkins reviewed the plan to go from two principals (HS & MS) in the MHS building to one.  It will be a purposeful transition over the course of the 2024-25 school year.  He noted there is currently some shared staff between the 6-8 MS and 9-12 HS, but there will be a few differences to match up in the Code of Conduct and cellphone policy.  He reviewed the current and projected enrollment that shows a trending decrease and then levels back up.  Mr. Wilkins reviewed the proposal and he discussed the selection process timeline and answered a question from the Board regarding the hiring committee set up. 


    Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mrs. Tangeman that the Board approve the minutes for the meetings of March 26, 2024, as written.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Mr. Wilkins reported that the MHS is currently without power.  Mr. Papke, Director of Facilities, notified him about 5:30pm that power was out at the pole and main outdoor disconnect.  They have called the Electric Company.  He noted that they cannot run the whole building on the generator, so they will have to wait and see what their next step will be.  

    8pm: All repairs completed.


    Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mrs. Tangeman that the Board of Education approve the library proposition for presentation to the voters in the following form:

    Shall the following resolutions be adopted, to wit:  

    RESOLVED, that the annual appropriation for the operation of the Warsaw Public Library be

    increased from $45,331 to $46,571 and that the Board of Education of the Warsaw Central School District, Wyoming County, New York, be authorized to levy and collect the necessary taxes in the District for payment thereof.


    Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mr. Youngers that the Board approve the following resolution, to-wit.


    WHEREAS, the Board of Education of Warsaw Central School District, Wyoming County, New York, has called for the Annual District Meeting of the qualified voters of said School District to be held on Tuesday, May 21, 2024; and


    WHEREAS, it is now desired to provide for the appointment of election workers for said Annual District Meeting; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT


    RESOLVED, by the Board of Education of Warsaw Central School District, Wyoming County, New York, as follows:


    Section 1. Tawnnee Conley, a duly qualified voter of said School District, is hereby appointed as the permanent chairman of the Annual District Meeting referred to in the preambles hereof.


    Section 2. Mary F. Rudgers is approved as voting machine coordinator/election inspector.


    Section 3. The following named qualified voters of said School District are hereby appointed to act as inspectors of election of said Annual District Meeting, so that there shall be at least two inspectors for each ballot box or voting machine to be used thereat: Mary F. Rudgers, Kathleen Humphrey, Margaret Zeches, and Caroline Appleby.


    Section 4. Kathleen Humphrey is hereby designated as chief election inspector.


    Section 5. Each inspector of election appointed for said Annual District Meeting, as herein provided, shall be entitled to minimum wage compensation for each hour actually and necessarily spent on the duties of his/her office. The Clerk of said School District is hereby authorized and directed to give written notice of appointment to the persons hereby respectively appointed as permanent chairman, coordinator and inspectors of election for said Annual District Meeting.


    Section 6. This resolution shall take effect immediately.


    Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mr. Tarbell, seconded by Mr. Youngers that the Board of Education approve the sole bid of C & F Transportation with regard to the Halpern Program (Webster) –

    Summer run and the sole bid of Attica Bus Service with regard to the Hillside Crestwood – Summer run, and authorize the Superintendent of Schools and Board President to execute said agreements.   Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Tangeman, seconded by Mrs. Royce that the Board of Education approve the 2023-2024 emergency transportation to Norman Howard and Hillside Crestwood (combined) contract with Livingston-Wyoming ARC, as proposed, and authorize the Board President and the Superintendent of Schools to execute said contract.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mrs. Tangeman that the Board approve the non-public transportation requests of students (900-37-7236 & 900-37-6329) to and from Gilead School of Discipleship during the 2024-25 School Year, as long as the requests are within the required limits, and per Board Policy.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mr. Grover that the Board approve the Partnership Agreement in regards to a LEAPS (Learning and Enrichment After-School Program Supports) Grant with the YMCA, as proposed, and authorize the School Superintendent to execute said agreement.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Tangeman, seconded by Mr. Grover that the Board appoint Mrs. Royce as Clerk Pro Tem for the remainder of the Board Meeting.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    The District Clerk was dismissed at 6:43 p.m. and the following took place as recorded by Mrs. Royce, Clerk Pro Tem.



    Tawnnee Conley

    District Clerk


    Moved by Mr. Tarbell, seconded by Mr. Youngers that the Board enter Executive Session at 6:43 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the employment history of a particular person.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Mrs. Baker arrived at 7:50 p.m.


    Moved by Mrs. Tangeman, seconded by Mr. Tarbell that the Board resume regular session at 8:07 p.m.  Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mrs. Royce that the Board approve the special education placements recommendations, as follows:                                 

    Committee on Special Education (CSE)

    Date of Meeting/


    Student Number(s)






    900-37-6705; 900-37-6465; 900-37-7147; 900-37-6897

    Sub-Committee on Special Education (SCSE)

    Date of Meeting/


    Student Number(s)


    900-37-6691; 900-37-6870;

    Committee on Pre-School Special Education (CPSE)

    Date of Meeting/


    Student Number(s)


    900-37-7490; 900-37-7377


    900-37-7393; 900-37-7381

    Sub-Committee on Pre-School Special Education (SCPSE)

    Date of Meeting/


    Student Number(s)



    (A) = Amendment Agreement – No Meeting


    Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mrs. Tangeman that the Board approve the work agreements/benefit statements associated with the non-union positions for the 2024-25 School Year.  Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mr. Tarbell that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve Personnel Schedule 571, as proposed.  Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mr. Tarbell, seconded by Mrs. Baker that the Board approve the amendment to the Superintendent’s Contract, as proposed, and authorize the Board President to execute said amendment.  Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Tangeman, seconded by Mr. Grover that the regular meeting of the Warsaw Central School Board of Education be adjourned at 8:14 p.m.; subject to the call of the President.  Motion Carried:  Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.




    Mrs. Gail E. Royce

    Clerk Pro Tem