October 10, 2023 Meeting Minutes
The regular meeting of the Warsaw Central School Board of Education was called to order at
6:30 p.m. in the Elementary School Building by Mr. Robb, Board President.
Members Present: Mr. Robb, Mrs. Royce, Mr. Tarbell, Mr. Youngers
Members Absent: Mr. Grover, Mrs. Tangeman, Mrs. Baker
Others Present: Mr. Wilkins, Mrs. Burnham, Mrs. D’Amico, Mr. Webb, Mr. & Mrs. Plesums,
Mr. McGinnis, Mr. Clifford, Mrs. Conley
Mr. Robb led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Honor 2023 Retirees - The Board of Education honored eight Warsaw Central School District retirees from 2023 and awarded them with individual plaques in recognition of their years of service in the district. Two of the honorees were present to receive their plaques in person.
Mr. Wilkins introduced Mr. Clifford who is being recommended to fill the MHS Assistant Principal/Athletic Director position. Mr. Clifford shared some background information about himself including his experience in education and administration; he is looking forward to joining the district.
Audit Report Presentation – The Board reviewed the recent Annual Audit Report prepared by Lumsden McCormick, CPA. They also reviewed the proposed Corrective Plan. The Audit Committee meeting was held prior to the Board meeting.
Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mr. Tarbell that the Board approve the minutes for September 26, 2023, as written. Motion Carried: Yes 4, No 0, Abstain 0
Mr. Wilkins stated that Molly the dog passed her fire alarm test on Friday; she did very well. He stated he is working on the Therapy Dog policy and Administrative Regulations and is getting them ready to go to the Policy Committee.
Mr. Wilkins shared drawing samples of some of the work to be done on the MHS Auditorium and the Elementary School during the Capital Improvement Project. He stated they are about a third of the way through it.
Moved by Mr. Tarbell, seconded by Mr. Youngers that the Board accept the Annual External Audit Report, as prepared by Lumsden McCormick, CPA. Further that the Board approve the Corrective Plan, as proposed. Motion Carried: Yes 4, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mr. Tarbell that the Board accept the Hodgson-Russ Bond Counsel Services and Related Capital Project Legal Services Engagement Letter, as presented. Yes 4, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mr. Youngers that the Board declares the following list of items obsolete and authorizes disposal in accordance with Board Policy and State Law.
Device Description
ScanSnap Scanner
Dell Chromebook
Lexmark E260 Printer
3Com Midspan
3Com Midspan
Motion Carried: Yes 4, No 0, Abstain 0
Moved by Mr. Tarbell, seconded by Mrs. Royce that the Board accept, with appreciation, the following donation: Perry Rotary Foundation, Inc. - $1000.00. Motion Carried: Yes 4, No 0, Abstain 0
Moved by Mr. Tarbell, seconded by Mr. Youngers that the Board appoint Mrs. Royce as Clerk Pro Tem for the remainder of the Board Meeting. Motion Carried: Yes 4, No 0, Abstain 0.
The District Clerk was dismissed at 7:07 p.m. and the following took place as recorded by, Mrs. Royce, Clerk Pro Tem.
Tawnnee Conley
District Clerk
Moved by Mr. Tarbell, seconded by Mr. Youngers that the Board enter Executive Session at 7:07 p.m. for the purpose of discussing matters leading to the appointment/employment of a particular person. Motion Carried: Yes 4, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mr. Tarbell, seconded by Mr. Youngers that the Board resume regular session at 8:32 p.m. Motion Carried: Yes 4, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mr. Tarbell, seconded by Mr. Youngers that the Board approve the special education placements recommendations, as follows:
Committee on Special Education (CSE)
Date of Meeting/
Student Number(s)
900-37-7274; 900-37-6546
Sub-Committee on Special Education (SCSE)
Date of Meeting/
Student Number(s)
900-37-7324(A); 900-37-7101; 900-37-7463
900-37-7244(A); 900-37-5446(A); 900-37-6055(A)
Committee on Pre-School Special Education (CPSE)
Date of Meeting/
Student Number(s)
900-37-7424; 900-37-7345; 900-37-7419; 900-37-6892
900-37-7436; 900-37-7387
900-37-7420; 900-37-7278
(A) = Amendment Agreement – No Meeting
Motion Carried: Yes 4, No 0, Abstain 0
Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mr. Tarbell that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve the Social Worker Extended Workday Memorandum of Agreement for (Nicole Yeo) as proposed, and authorize the Superintendent of Schools to execute said MOA. Motion Carried: Yes 4, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mr. Youngers that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve Personnel Schedule 562, as proposed. Motion Carried: Yes 4, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mr. Tarbell that the regular meeting of the Warsaw Central School Board of Education be adjourned at 8:33 p.m.; subject to the call of the President. Motion Carried: Yes 4, No 0, Abstain 0.
Mrs. Gail E. Royce
Clerk Pro Tem
October 24, 2023 Meeting Minutes
The regular meeting of the Warsaw Central School Board of Education was called to order at
6:30pm p.m. in the Elementary School Building by Mr. Robb, Board President.
Members Present: Mr. Robb, Mrs. Royce, Mr. Grover, Mrs. Tangeman, Mr. Tarbell,
Mrs. Baker, Mr. Youngers.
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Mr. Wilkins, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Burnham, Mr. Webb, Mrs. D’Amico, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Holmes, Mrs. Dickes, Three 8th Grade Students and a parent, Mr. Barks,
Mrs. Conley.
Mr. Robb led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Principal’s Reports:
Middle School Principal, Mrs. D’Amico, shared that in continuation with teachers developing expected student behaviors at the end of the last school year, September started out with teacher lead tours to specific school locations such as the auditorium, cafeteria, bathrooms and hallways to review expected behaviors that are also outlined on posters that are displayed in those locations. She also gave an update on the Sown to Grow program, Teachable Tuesday Lessons taught by MS Guidance Counselor, Mr. Bauer, MTSS – Multi Tiered System of Support to develop individual intervention plans for students as needed, and a visit from the Warsaw Volunteer Fire Department who recreated an automobile accident scene and taught students about fire prevention and safety. Mrs. D’Amico closed with sharing about her Middle School Community Service Project, Raking for a Reason. Students will be helping Warsaw residents by raking their leaves and dragging them to the roadside for pick up. This project was well advertised throughout the community and residents needing the service were asked to contact the district by October 30, 2023 so they can be added to the schedule.
Mr. Ellis, High School Principal, gave an overview of the start of the school year in the High School. He discussed the fall sports season including football, soccer and volleyball. He noted Drama Club is preparing and rehearsing for their fall play, Peter Pan and Wendy. He mentioned the Spanish Club field trip and also stated that FFA members are headed to Nationals to participate in various competitions. He talked about GLOW workshops for job opportunities and shared that the new HS Counselor is working with families for financial aid night. Mr. Ellis reported that discipline data is down this year; vaping is significantly down. He stated that SEL (Social Emotional Learning) is taking place in the classrooms; teachers have been working on continued professional development. They have also been providing student support and developing interventions as needed through MTSS.
Mr. Webb shared that the Elementary School had a successful opening day and he noted that the Library has been repaired and has reopened for classes. Elementary students have participated in fire drills and bus safety drills. He stated the school welcomed their new SRO, Officer Harding, who is very serious about security and is light-hearted with the kids. Mr. Webb talked about Building Thinking Classrooms and the Six Levels of Character Development – Personal Code of Conduct programs; Trust is the current characteristic they are working on. He noted the Warsaw Tiger Cubs’ motto is “We do the RIGHT THING Because it’s the RIGHT THING to do!!!!” He also talked about planting tulip bulbs again this year for Kindness Day. Mr. Webb concluded with an update on Molly, the therapy dog; she has passed her tests. He also stated that he has started the 10-12 month training program with his dog as well.
Mr. Wilkins added that the Therapy Dog policy and regulations have been sent to the attorneys for review and will then be shared with the Policy Committee. He noted that Dansville CSD reported that dog incidents such as bites, etc. in the community have decreased since they have implemented their program as the students are learning about dog behaviors and how to approach the animal.
Class of 2028 - 8th Grade Trip Presentation: The 8th grade Class President, Class Secretary and Class Representative presented their overall itinerary and information about their class trip to Boston, Massachusetts. They are excited to tour historical and prominent landmarks, and they are looking forward to the whale watch as well. Mrs. Dickes shared that there has been an 85% response from students interested in attending. The students have been fundraising for this event over the past few years.
Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mrs. Baker that the Board of Education approve the Class of 2028 - 8th Grade Class Trip Request for an overnight trip to Boston, MA May 14-16, 2024, as proposed. Motion Carried: Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mr. Tarbell, seconded by Mr. Youngers that the Board approve the minutes for the meetings of October 10, 2023, as written. Motion Carried: Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.
The Board reviewed the list of bills dated September 15, and September 29, 2023.
The Board reviewed the Appropriation Status Reports and Revenue Status Reports for September, 2023.
Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mrs. Tangeman that the Board accept the Treasurer’s Reports as of September, 2023. Motion Carried: Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mrs. Tangeman that the Board accept the Extra-Curricular Treasurer’s Reports for 7/1/23 - 9/30/23. Motion Carried: Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.
Mr. Wilkins reported that on October 11, 2023, they had an opportunity to put the Emergency Response Plan into action due to a lockdown. The district was able to debrief with law enforcement the next day and then later with the Safety Committee to review feedback from staff. It wasn’t perfect, but it went well overall. They will be looking at reunification through the Raptor System.
Mr. Wilkins stated the district had a turf-planning meeting today; the technology is very improved.
In celebration of Board of Education Appreciation week, Mr. Wilkins presented the Board members with Certificates of Recognition and cake and punch were served as part of the celebration.
Moved by Mr. Tarbell, seconded by Mrs. Baker that the Board approve the Partners 4 Prevention – Memorandum of Understanding regarding the Community-Level Youth Development Evaluation (CLYDE) Survey, as proposed, and authorize the Superintendent to execute said MOU. Motion Carried: Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mrs. Baker that the Board approve the proposed Service Agreement Contract with Hillside for the 2023-24 school year, and authorize the School Superintendent to execute said contract. Motion Carried: Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mr. youngers that the Board approve the proposed Service Agreement Contract with New Directions Youth & Family Services, Inc. for the 2023-24 school year, and authorize the School Superintendent to execute said contract. Motion Carried: Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mrs. Tangeman, seconded by Mrs. Baker that the Board approve the proposed Consultation Vision Services Agreement with Chelsea Hale; for the 2023-24 school year, and authorize the School Superintendent to execute said agreement. Motion Carried: Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mrs. Tangeman, seconded by Mr. Tarbell that the Board appoint Mrs. Royce as Clerk Pro Tem for the remainder of the Board Meeting. Motion Carried: Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.
The District Clerk was dismissed at 7:03 p.m. and the following took place as recorded by Mrs. Royce, Clerk Pro Tem.
Tawnnee Conley
District Clerk
Moved by Mrs. Tangeman, seconded by Mr. Grover that the Board enter Executive Session at 7:25 p.m. for the purpose of discussing collective negotiations pursuant to article 14 of Civil Service Law. Motion Carried: Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mr. Tarbell that the Board resume regular session at 9:20 p.m. Motion Carried: Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mrs. Tangeman that the Board approve the special education placement recommendations, as follows:
Committee on Special Education (CSE)
Date of Meeting/
Student Number(s)
Sub-Committee on Special Education (SCSE)
Date of Meeting/
Student Number(s)
900-37-6969(A); 900-37-6806(A)
900-37-6055(A); 900-37-5930(A); 900-37-5930(A)
900-37-5908(A); 900-37-5795(A)
900-37-6763(A); 900-37-6891(A); 900-37-6252(A)
Committee on Pre-School Special Education (CPSE)
Date of Meeting/
Student Number(s)
900-37-7412; 900-37-7345
(A) = Amendment Agreement – No Meeting
(C) = Correction
Motion Carried: Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mrs. Baker that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Memorandum of Agreement for a Girl’s Cheerleading Modified Coach for the 2023 winter sports season (A. Wick) be approved, and authorize the Superintendent to execute said MOA. Motion Carried: Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.
Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mr. Tarbell that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve Personnel Schedule 563, as proposed. Motion Carried: Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 1 (Royce).
Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mr. Grover that the regular meeting of the Warsaw Central School Board of Education be adjourned at 9:22 p.m.; subject to the call of the President. Motion Carried: Yes 7, No 0, Abstain 0.
Mrs. Gail E. Royce
Clerk Pro Tem