August 8, 2023 Meeting Minutes

  • The regular meeting of the Warsaw Central School Board of Education was called to order at        

    6:30 p.m. in the Middle/High School Building by Mr. Robb.


    Members Present:  Mr. Robb, Mrs. Royce, Mr. Grover, Mr. Tarbell.  Mrs. Tangeman arrived at 6:55 p.m.


    Members Absent:  Mr. Youngers, Mrs. Baker


    Others Present:  Mr. Wilkins, Mrs. Burnham, Mr. Ellis, Mrs. D’Amico, Mr. Webb, Officer Kelly, Mr. Barks, Mrs. Conley.


    Mr. Scott Hoornbeck was introduced to the Board as he is being recommended for Elementary Assistant Principal/Instructional Coach.


    Mr. Robb led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


    Mr. Wilkins and Officer Kelly presented the updated Safety – Emergency Response Plan.  They explained that based on the iloveuguys Foundation, there is new simplified language for the Standard Response Protocol.  The main change being “Lockout” is now “Secure” as there has been confusion in the past between “Lockout” and “Lockdown”.  They discussed the old standard response protocol versus the new student and adult response.  Though flipcharts are available in every classroom, there will also be “Emergency Take Action” posters (an example was provided) in each classroom and staff will have sticker versions attached to the back of their ID badges for quick reference.  Mr. Wilkins explained that student and staff training will be reviewed on opening day.  There will also be materials posted on the website and a video will be provided on the parent portal via Parent Square.  New to the 2023-24 Plan, is the required Remote Learning Plan addendum, but there are no changes to the basic plan other than the language change. The Board asked for examples of when each of the Standard Response Protocols (Hold, Secure, Lockdown, Evacuate and Shelter) would be used.  Officer Kelly stated examples.  Mr. Wilkins explained that the plan has been posted on the website for the 30-day viewing to allow for public comment and will go for Board approval at the August 22, 2023 meeting.  There were no public comments.


    Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mr. Tarbell that the Board approve the minutes for July 25, 2023, as written.  Motion Carried:  Yes 4, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Mr. Wilkins reported that the Capital Improvements Project user group meetings will be held on August 16, 2023.  He stated the closing on the Linwood Avenue property purchase could possibly occur in about two weeks, and progress is being made in the Emergency Library project; column casts and carpeting are being completed.


    Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mr. Tarbell that the Board of Education approve Code of Conduct, as revised.  Motion Carried:  Yes 4, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mr. Tarbell that the Board approve the Young & Wright Architect, Construction Manager as Adviser Edition agreement for the Capital Improvements Project 2023, and authorize the Superintendent to execute said agreement.  Motion Carried:  Yes 4, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mrs. Royce that the Board approve the Genesee Community College ACE programs Memorandum of Understanding Agreement for the 2023-24 school year, as proposed, and authorize the Superintendent and High School Principal to execute said agreement.  Motion Carried:  Yes 4, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mr. Tarbell that the Board approve the Blanket Request for Tutoring Services with Monroe One Educational Services for the 2023-24 academic year, as presented, and authorize the Superintendent of Schools to sign said agreement.  Motion Carried:  Yes 4, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mr. Tarbell, seconded by Mrs. Royce that the Board of Education approve the sole bids of C & F Transportation with regard to the Geneseo Lives Program (Summer & Regular School Year), and authorize the Superintendent of Schools and Board President to execute said agreements.   Motion Carried:  Yes 4, No 0, Abstain 0.

    Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mr. Tarbell that the Board appoint Mrs. Royce as Clerk Pro Tem for the remainder of the Board Meeting.  Motion Carried:  Yes 4, No 0, Abstain 0.


    The District Clerk was dismissed at 6:47 p.m. and the following took place as recorded by Mrs. Royce, Clerk Pro Tem.



    Tawnnee Conley

    District Clerk


    Moved by Mr. Tarbell, seconded by Mr. Grover that the Board enter Executive Session at 6:47 p.m. for the purpose of discussing matters leading to the appointment/employment of a particular person.  Motion Carried:  Yes 4, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Tangeman, seconded by Mr. Tarbell that the Board resume regular session at 7:55 p.m.  Motion Carried:  Yes 5, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mr. Tarbell, seconded by Mrs. Tangeman that the Board approve the special education placements recommendations, as follows:  No items received, no action needed.  Motion Carried:  Yes 5, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mr. Tarbell, seconded by Mr. Grover that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Memorandum of Agreement for the Earth Science Long Term Substitute (G. May) be approved.  Motion Carried:  Yes 5, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mr. Tarbell, seconded by Mrs. Tangemant that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Memorandum of Agreement for the Elementary Building Substitute (L. Williams) be approved.  Motion Carried:  Yes 5, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Tangeman, seconded by Mr. Grover that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve Personnel Schedule 558, as proposed.  Motion Carried:  Yes 5, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mr. Tarbell, seconded by Mr. Grover that the regular meeting of the Warsaw Central School Board of Education be adjourned at 7:56 p.m.; subject to the call of the President.  Motion Carried:  Yes 5, No 0, Abstain 0.




    Mrs. Gail E. Royce

    Clerk Pro Tem

August 22, 2023 Meeting Minutes

  • The regular meeting of the Warsaw Central School Board of Education was called to order at        

    6:30 p.m. in the Middle/High School Building by Mr. Robb.


    Members Present:  Mr. Robb, Mrs. Royce, Mr. Grover, Mrs. Tangeman, Mrs. Baker, Mr. Youngers.


    Members Absent:  Mr. Tarbell. 


    Others Present:  Mr. Wilkins, Ms. Grisewood, Mrs. Monahan, Mr. Gayford, Mrs. Conley.


    Mr. Robb led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


    Professional Development Plan Presentation – Mrs. Monahan presented an update on the PDP.  She reviewed the purpose, mission, vison and beliefs.  She highlighted the shifts under Developing a Culture of Collaborative Inquiry with a focus on continuous growth versus a quick fix.  Mrs. Monahan presented a snapshot on how the PDP incorporates the Mentor/Mentee plan and she discussed recommended revisions with the Board of Education members. 


    K-12 MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support) Presentation – Mrs. Monahan presented the district level MTSS plan and explained how it differs from the previous RTI (Response to Intervention) process.  MTSS includes tiered intervention to include academics, behavior and wellness for all students.  It focuses on prevention/instruction for all students not just intervention for a few.  Mrs. Monahan also noted critical components of the MTTS plan including universal and/or targeted screening, data driven decision-making, implementation of intervention, progress monitoring, meetings and communication with families. 


    Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mrs. Royce that the Board approve the minutes for August 8, 2023, as written.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    The Board reviewed the lists of regular bills dated July 20, 2023



    The Board reviewed the Appropriation and Revenue Status Reports as of July 31, 2023.



    Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mrs. Tangeman that the Board accept the Treasurer’s Reports as of July 2023.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mr. Grover that the Board accept the June 2023 Treasurer’s Report as revised.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Mr. Wilkins reported that last week started the Capital Projects planning phase meetings with the user groups regarding the Ag, Science, Music rooms and restrooms, and there is also an OACM (Owner, Architect, Construction Manager) meeting tomorrow.  He stated the district is looking to close this week on the 99 Linwood Avenue property purchase.  Mr. Wilkins gave an update on the library work; the windows and carpet are in.  There’s a little way to go yet, but it is coming along. 


    Mrs. Monahan gave an update on the Title 1 federal grant that renews annually.  It is used to support reading and math intervention in the Elementary School.  As in the past, 100% of the grant allocation will be used to help maintain current staffing levels.  It is important to the application process to communicate how the funds are utilized. 


    Audit Committee will meet on October 10, 2023.


    Finance Committee will meet in September.


    Policy Committee have not met.


    Technology Committee will meet in October.


    Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mrs. Tangeman that the Board of Education approve the Safety Plan, as presented.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mr. Youngers that the Board approve the Professional Development Plan, as presented with revisions as discussed.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Tangeman, seconded by Mrs. Royce that the Board approve the K-12 Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), as presented.   Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mr. Youngers that the Board of Education approve the Tax Levies and Assessments, as proposed (Copy attached to minutes).  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Tangeman, seconded by Mr. Grover that the school taxes as extended on the tax list of the district be and the same are accepted and confirmed; and, be it further resolved that said tax so extended against the taxable property within said district as appears on said list be and the same hereby are levied; and be it further resolved, that the Board of Education hereby executes a warrant dated August 22, 2023 in the amount of $7,429,535 ($7,384,204 school/$45,331 library).  The collection period is to end October 31, 2023 and after said warrant is approved by the Board, the same shall be delivered to the Tax Collector of the District.   Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mrs. Tangeman that September 1, 2023 through October 2, 2023, inclusive shall be hereby established as the dates for the collection of the 2023-24 school taxes without penalty. Be it further resolved, that a 2% tardy penalty shall be added on those taxes paid October 3, 2023 through October 31, 2023, inclusive.  Tax bills, which have not been paid during this time, will be forwarded to Wyoming County for collection and an additional 8% tardy penalty will be incurred.  Taxes will be collected by the Tax Collector (Bank of Castile) from September 1, 2023 through October 31, 2023 at Bank of Castile; 2367 North Main Street; Warsaw, NY, any Bank of Castile Branch, or can be mailed to Bank of Castile, PO Box 6870, Ithaca, NY 14851-6870.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Tangeman, seconded by Mrs. Royce that the District Tax Collector be authorized to publish the tax notice in the Batavia Daily News and Warsaw Country Courier.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mr. Robb that the Board approve the Williamson Law Software Contract 2023-24 as proposed, and authorize the School Superintendent to execute said agreement.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mrs. Tangeman that the Board approve the BOCES Cooperative Bid Resolution:  Be it resolved that the Warsaw Central School is hereby authorized to participate in the following cooperative bids for the 2024-2025 school year.  These bids will be coordinated by the Genesee-Livingston-Steuben-Wyoming BOCES during the 2023-2024 school year for the following items:  Copy and Printer Paper-Winter, Custodial Supplies, Athletic/P.E. Supplies, Bread, Milk Products, Ice Cream Products, Paper and Chemical Supplies (Food Service), Grocery, Grocery Diversions, Kitchen Smallwares, Refuse Collection, Medical Supplies, School and Office Supplies, Printer Supplies, Copy and Printer Paper-Summer.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Royce, seconded by Mrs. Tangeman that the Board declares the following list of items obsolete and authorizes disposal in accordance with Board Policy and State Law:


    TOAL – 3 Test of Adolescent & Adult Language

    TOLD I – 4 Speech Testing

    CELF – Preschool 2


    Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0


    Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mr. Youngers that the Board approve the Intermunicipal Agreement between Warsaw Central School District, Letchworth Central School District and Perry Central School District for interscholastic athletics participation in Football at the Modified, Junior Varsity and Varsity levels for the 2023-24 school year, as proposed, and authorize the Superintendent of Schools to execute said agreement.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Tangeman, seconded by Mr. Grover that the Board approve the Intermunicipal Agreement between Warsaw Central School District and Letchworth Central School District for interscholastic athletics participation in Boys Soccer at the Modified, Junior Varsity and Varsity levels for the 2023-24 school year, as proposed, and authorize the Superintendent of Schools to execute said agreement.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mrs. Royce that the Board approve the Intermunicipal Cooperative Agreement between Warsaw Central School District and Letchworth Central School District regarding Special Education Placements for the 2023-24 school year, as proposed, and authorize the Superintendent of Schools to execute said agreement.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mrs. Tangeman that the Board of Education approve the following resolution.


    RESOLVED THAT, as authorized by Section 155.17 of the Regulations of the New York State Commissioner of Education, and upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the School Resource Officer (SRO) Agreement, be approved and that the Superintendent be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute the Agreement on behalf of the District. Further, that this agreement will be in full force and effect once executed on behalf of the Village of Warsaw and its Police Department.


    Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mrs. Tangeman that the Board appoint Mrs. Royce as Clerk Pro Tem for the remainder of the Board Meeting.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    The District Clerk was dismissed at 7:08 p.m. and the following took place as recorded by Mrs. Royce, Clerk Pro Tem.



    Tawnnee Conley

    District Clerk


    Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mrs. Tangeman that the Board enter Executive Session at 7:08 p.m. for the purpose of discussing matters leading to the appointment/employment of a particular person.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Tangeman, seconded by Mrs. Baker that the Board resume regular session at 8:30 p.m.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mr. Grover, seconded by Mrs. Baker that the Board approve the special education placements recommendations, as follows:


    Committee on Special Education (CSE)

    Date of Meeting/


    Student Number(s)


    900-37-6968; 900-37-6969

    Committee on Pre-School Special Education (CPSE)

    Date of Meeting/


    Student Number(s)





                          (A) = Amendment Agreement – No Meeting

                                              (C) = Correction


    Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mr. Grover  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve the Chess Club Extracurricular Activity Block, as proposed.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mr. Grover that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve the Diversity Club Extracurricular Activity Block, as proposed.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mr. Grover that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve the Lego League Extracurricular Activity Block, as proposed.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mr. Grover that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve the Mock Trial Extracurricular Activity Block, as proposed.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Baker, seconded by Mrs. Tangeman that, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board approve Personnel Schedule 559 as proposed.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.


    Moved by Mrs. Tangeman, seconded by Mr. Grover that the regular meeting of the Warsaw Central School Board of Education be adjourned at 8:31p.m.; subject to the call of the President.  Motion Carried:  Yes 6, No 0, Abstain 0.




    Mrs. Gail E. Royce

    Clerk Pro Tem