South Colonie Launches School Safety Tip Line

The South Colonie Safe Schools Tip Line has been established so that individuals can  report suspicious activity, acts of violence, a student in danger or any other situation that might present a threat to school safety 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year without the fear of retaliation. Tips can be left by calling 518-869-0291.  Please note, “tips” will be investigated within 24-48 hours by school personnel or the police department.  In the event of an immediate emergency callers should dial 911.

In the majority of cases of school violence, family or community members knew of potential threats before they occurred. If you know of a potential threat to the safety or welfare of our students or staff please call!  “If you see something, say something!”

Callers are asked to relay as much information as possible to include the name of the school and person(s) involved, as well as what type of activities that are alleged and when the activities may occur or have occurred.