The first draft of the proposed 2020-21 South Colonie Central School District budget was presented to the Board of Education on Tuesday, March 17. The first draft of the budget totals $110,239,477 with a budget-to-budget change over the current school year of +$5,360,103 or 5.11 percent. The first draft budget is based on an estimated tax levy of $74,000,000, an increase of 2.92% over the current year. This is below the district’s projected tax levy limit of 3.05 percent.
In his New York State Executive Budget released in January, Gov. Andrew Cuomo proposed a 1.43 percent, or $234,250 foundation aid increase for the 2020-21 school year for the South Colonie Central School District. State lawmakers continue to debate the State budget so final State Aid remains unknown at this time. The final tax cap may also change based on final state aid figures. The deadline for passing a state budget is April 1.
Other budgetary information subject to change are BOCES and private school special education student placements, BOCES expenditures, and other district program adjustments.
The district is facing a revenue shortfall due to the growth in both employee benefits and programmatic needs. The South Colonie Board of Education will work with district leaders and administrators collaboratively to develop a plan to minimize the budget impact while sustaining critical programs for students.
The second draft of the 2020-21 district budget will be presented to the Board of Education on Tuesday, April 14, during a community budget forum at 7 p.m. Members of the community can participate by viewing the live stream of the meeting here: April 14 BOE Live Stream Meeting.
Under an executive order from Gov. Andrew Cuomo, all New York state school budget votes originally scheduled for May 19 have been postponed until at least June 1.
The directive, which aims to limit the spread of COVID-19, also impacts the election of board members and the proposed bus purchase proposition totaling $1,109,000.
The district will provide more information about the annual school budget vote and timeline once it becomes available.