We are excited to announce our schedule for an enriched Freshman orientation summer experience for all incoming first-year students at Colonie High School. Our program is known as SMART = Students Making A Responsible Tomorrow. Our sessions will run during the weeks of July 11th and July 18th. Bus transportation will be provided from different locations throughout the district!
Please take a moment to fill out this brief survey to select your session and answer some additional Q&A.
Topics will include:
*Orientation to the High School Building
*Communication and Strategies for Success at the High School
*Health and Wellness (Physical and Mental)
*Conflict Resolution and Problem Solving Skills
*Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
*Meet your grade level principal and other helpful faculty and staff
Please feel free to reach out to Ms. Luce, Class of 2026 Grade Level Principal, or Mrs. Mesick, Coordinator of College and Career Planning Center with any questions! We look forward to getting to know you this summer!