April 14 update: Special Education guidance for teachers

As the school closure has been extended, the district has taken into consideration guidance from NYSED and has put forward the following guidance to special education teachers.

All supports outlined below will be provided through a lens of reasonableness and equity. Services will continue to be delivered based on individual student needs and learning characteristics to the greatest extent that is possible under school closure.

  • Resource room and consultant teachers will continue to work closely with their general education partners to support students’ IEP accommodations, modifications, and supplementary aids will continue to be delivered to the greatest extent possible. Also, to the extent that is reasonably feasible, additional instructional support will be available via virtual “check-ins” on a weekly basis.
  • Special education (co-teach) teachers will continue to work closely with their general education classroom partners (via established classroom or instructional platforms) to support the learning of all students in the classroom, where co-planning/shared teaching/co-assessing of student learning activities remains as the instructional objective. IEP accommodations, modifications and supplementary aids will continue to be delivered when possible.
  • Special class teachers will continue to have their own classroom or instructional platforms where instructional supports will be delivered to support learning.
    • Where feasible, related service providers will work collaboratively with the special education teachers, to help deliver one cohesive system of communication as well as development and delivery of relevant learning experiences and special education program supports (see related service provision information on the Special Education Information page for additional information).