Special Education Information

Given that information related to coronavirus (COVID-19) is a rapidly developing situation, we will use this web page to share information and resources related to the Special Education Department. 

This page will be updated regularly as information and guidance is provided by the New York State Education Department.

CSE meetings

Eligibility, Triennial/Reevaluation, and Annual Review IEP Meetings will be held virtually, via conference call or an online platform such as Google Hangout for video conferencing, as deemed appropriate. We have held several meetings like this over the past few weeks and thus far, they have proven to be successful meetings. Your participation in these meetings is paramount, so please work with your CSE Chairperson or Special Education teacher to determine whether a conference call or videoconferencing will be the best platform for you. It should also be noted, at this time, we are uncertain when normal school operations will resume and we understand that some families may prefer face to face meetings. Families who have this preference, we have been re-scheduling those meetings. However, depending on the length of the school closure, we may end up having to conduct the meeting via teleconferencing. We will keep you updated accordingly, over the coming weeks.

HIPAA Waiver

Given the possibility that communities may experience spikes in COVID-19 cases at any point during the school year, which could prompt short or long-term school closures, the District is prepared to pivot to an all remote model and schedule aligned with the in-person environment. In order for providers to continue to meet the needs of students, tele-support services will require technology to connect with one another and as a result require parents to waive the disclosure of information related to service sessions that will be delivered as tele-support services. All Other HIPPA (Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act) regulations typically afforded during a traditional year.  

Fill out the HIPAA Waiver now

Assessments and Evaluation

If your student is currently in the process of initial eligibility and/or triennial reevaluation, it may become necessary to adjust the testing plan for your student. Evaluation that requires in-person assessment will likely occur once schools reopen, out of consideration for student and staff health. Please work with the Special Education Department and your CSE chairperson, if you have individual questions around evaluation.

Student Learning

As a district, we have provided resources for distance learning during our closure. Many schools have also sent home work packets and resources tailored to individual students’ needs. Special education and general education teachers will be available to support students and families in reinforcing learning, responding to questions, and proactively reaching out to students by phone, email, or video conferencing, where feasible.

For a list of on-line resources please visit our student resource page

Additional guidance during the extended closure

As the school closure has been extended, the district has taken into consideration guidance from NYSED and has put forward the following guidance to special education teachers.

All supports outlined below will be provided through a lens of reasonableness and equity. Services will continue to be delivered based on individual student needs and learning characteristics to the greatest extent that is possible under school closure.

  • Resource room and consultant teachers will continue to work closely with their general education partners to support students’ IEP accommodations, modifications, and supplementary aids will continue to be delivered to the greatest extent possible. Also, to the extent that is reasonably feasible, additional instructional support will be available via virtual “check-ins” on a weekly basis.
  • Special education (co-teach) teachers will continue to work closely with their general education classroom partners (via established classroom or instructional platforms) to support the learning of all students in the classroom, where co-planning/shared teaching/co-assessing of student learning activities remains as the instructional objective. IEP accommodations, modifications and supplementary aids will continue to be delivered when possible.
  • Special class teachers will continue to have their own classroom or instructional platforms where instructional supports will be delivered to support learning.
    • Where feasible, related service providers will work collaboratively with the special education teachers, to help deliver one cohesive system of communication as well as development and delivery of relevant learning experiences and special education program supports (see related service provision information below for additional information). 

Provision for Related Services

Our Related Service Providers, such as Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Social Workers, and Speech Language Pathologists are working to help maintain student skills in their respective areas. At this point, providers have reached out to all their parents and have been providing resources and information intended to support student skills during the school closure. 

At this point of time, many of the providers have reached directly to families. The District has been receiving feedback from several families that they are feeling overwhelmed with attempts of keeping up with regular school work, as several staff are working to maintain communication and contact. As a result, the related service providers have been cognizant of the stressors that families are facing and are trying to streamline communications either through the classroom teacher or integrating their communications through established lines of communication.

Lastly, many providers are also providing “check ins” with students and families as an additional support. If you have any concerns, or have been unable to connect with your related service provider, please feel free to reach out to them by email (if you are uncertain of their name and email address, your child’s teacher can assist you in making the connection).


Tips for Parents

Speech and language

Listening (Receptive Language)

Speaking (Expressive Language)

A thoughtful conversation with your child is a way to encourage thinking and speaking skills. Try to set aside at least 15 minutes a day to simply talk with your child about a designated topic. 

‎Articulation (Speech Sound Production)

Occupational therapy and physical therapy (OT/PT)

504 Plans

The South Colonie School District will continue to provide educational resources to students during the school closure. Schools must ensure that students with disabilities have equal access to those same educational opportunities. 

The District recommends the following guidance for students eligible under Section 504 during the school closure: 

  • Students with 504 plans should follow grade level instructional resources and materials being provided by their classroom teachers.
  • All relevant accommodations on a student’s 504 plan will continue to apply to all school assignments, to the greatest extent possible. If you need a copy of your student’s 504 plan or have questions please contact your building principal.
  • All instructional resources should be accessible to students with disabilities. If parents, students or school staff have concerns that grade level resources or other educational materials are not accessible to a student eligible under Section 504, please contact the classroom teacher or building principal.
  • The District requires 504 plans to be reviewed annually and 504 eligibility to be reviewed every three years. School staff will be contacting parents to schedule 504 Annual Review meetings, as appropriate. Please be advised that your child’s building may be contacting you to defer formal 504 review meetings to Fall 2020. 

We understand that this disruption is difficult for both students and families and every effort will be made to minimize the impact to students.