Site Based Team Notes

  • Wednesday, November 14
    Dr. Zahn made a presentation on the Common Core Standards (click here) and gave the following three links to parents as valuable resources for deeper understanding of how the adoption of the Common Core Standards will be affecting instruction at SHS:
    Dr. Zahn also indicated that the next Principal/Parent meeting will take place at a different time of day.

    On Tuesday, September 25, the first Principal/Parent meeting of the 2012/2013 school year was held in the Peconic Teacher Center at SHS.  Dr. Zahn welcomed parents and opened the discussion to address any questions or concerns the group had.  Below are some notes from the morning meeting:

    • Parents expressed loving having the SHS Announcements on the website to keep up with what is happening in the building.
    • Parents asked about the possibility of having a Mock Trial Club or Debate Club at the high school.  Dr. Zahn indicated that the school would be re-evaluating the current clubs to see which should remain and if any will be dropped for the next year.  These clubs could be considered during the evaluation process.
    • Parents had questions about the yearbook superlatives being chosen so early in the year.  Dr. Zahn noted that it might be due to deadlines and he would follow-up with the yearbook advisor.
    • Parents gave positive feedback in having Prom the same week as Graduation this year in order to free students from stress of having AP exams the week after.
    • Parents suggested a Peer (student) to Peer (student) mentoring program for students new to the district.
    • Parents stated that although having Homecoming during the first full week of school proved hectic, they thought it went really well, established school spirit, and was timed well to take place before students were faced with exams.
    • Parents suggested a grassroots method of encouraging parent participation...taking a "Bring 3 Friends" approach to attending meetings and events.
    Upcoming events noted for parents to be aware of:
    • College Fair during Lunch periods on October 16 - Click here for more information
    • College and Career Readiness Day on October 17 - Click here for more information
    • Community Science Night on November 1 - Stay tuned for more information on the event that will include the Grand Opening of the renovated Planetarium.
    Dr. Zahn stated that he will choose a variety of days and times to host the Principal/Parent meetings throughout the year in order to accommodate as many parents' schedules as possible.  He urged parents to contact him with any questions or concerns they might have at any time.