
    A horoscope is an astrological chart or diagram representing the position or the Sun, Moon,
    Planets, astrological aspects and sensitive angles at the time of events, such as the moment of a
    person’s birth or death.

     Horoscopes for 2019:

    March 21 - April 20
    What it means to be an Aries, you shine when you push
    forward and lead the way for others, competing to be first
    in the game of life.

    The year of 2019 will bring fabulous energy for both work
    and exploration for an Aries. You can receive some
    seemingly very different messages this year, it’s a period
    with immense potential for advancement and enjoyment
    once you find a way to fit everything in.

    April 21 - May 21
    What it means to be an Taurus, Equal to that is
    conservation and preservation, no matter what the price
    tag. This is your shiniest, best-ever self. The downside of
    Taurus is greed and a willingness to sell out the planet for

    The year of 2019 is a great and wonderful period for self
    discovery. The potential for growth and improvement is
    tremendous. Also love is rich and deep in 2019 Taurus. But
    while you’re developing a rich, profound connection with a
    person or a project, you’re exploring your independence

    May 22 - June 21
    What it means to be a Gemini, you are the messenger who
    knows how to use words and images in exactly the right way
    to be heard and read. The Gemini twins reflect your ability to
    be in two places at once, online and in the real world.

    The year of 2019 is potentially very strong for those of you
    seeking a happy partnership. Some others tend to be
    supportive, helpful, and positive forces in your life. You’re
    likely to derive much joy from your relationships, and more
    likely, one special one in particular.


    June 22 - July 22
    What it means to be a Cancer, no matter your gender you are
    at your brilliant best when you nurture, protect and care for
    people and animals you cherish.

    The year of 2019 include partnering and independence, along
    with your work, health, and habits. There is a continued focus
    on partnerships and getting along with others, as well as a
    new theme in which you’re exploring your ability to stand on
    your own two feet.

    July 23 - August 22
    What it means to be a Leo, At your best, you are born to rule,
    and have a natural ability to lead, set an example, guide and

    The year of 2019 involves romance, creativity, work, service,
    and health, dear Leo. These are areas of increased activity
    and reward. There can be times when your need for
    independence can dominate and drive many of your actions.

    August 23 - September 23
    What it means to be a Virgo, At your best, you gain special
    attention and applause for using the body you were born with,
    to its highest potential.

    The year of 2019 is both stimulating and stabilizing. There’s
    less pressure on you to find yourself through your
    relationships. This takes some of the pressure off relationships
    themselves, although you might continue to hold some high
    expectations of them.


    September 24 - October 23
    What it means to be a a Libra, Long marriages, successful
    professional partnerships or two-way hobbies and
    interests are a good outlet for you.

    The year of 2019 brings fantastic energy for learning,
    connecting, studying, and sharing b. It’s a time of new
    interests and motivating communications. New channels
    for communicating and getting around can open
    up to you.

    October 24 - November 22
    What it means to be a Scorpio, Scorpions mate in a
    promenade a deux, when they could sting each other to

    The year of 2019 Your personal finances come into
    focus, and nice developments regarding your earning
    power are in store. You are likely to feel more confident
    and enthusiastic about your ability to earn a living, and
    you may choose to develop your talents or otherwise
    boost your earning power.

    November 23 - December 21
    What it means to be a Sagittarius, Sagittarius person is
    travel, exploration, study, research and knowledge
    exchange. You can do this just by using the worldwide
    web more adventurously than other people.

    The year of 2019 is set to be one of your banner years.
    This year you can similarly find yourself more
    comfortable in your skin. You have two heavyweight
    planets in your sector of money, income, and personal
    resources, insisting that you simplify, transform, and
    shape up these things.

    December 22 - January 20
    What it means to be a Capricorn, At your very best, this is
    how you live your life. You set goals and reach them. You
    rise in high society and shine brightly in corporations,
    companies or the academic establishment.

    The year of 2019 is an important year for making
    improvements and working hard.you’re laying down the
    groundwork for bigger things to come, which may arrive
    as soon as 2020.

    aquariuspinkJanuary 21 - February 19
    What it means to be a Aquarius, At your best, you
    feed communities. The highest expression of you is to
    raise friendship to a fine art, on a par with marriage or
    parent-child relationships.

    The year of 2019 is another year of relative quiet,
    withdrawal, and repose. People love being around
    you, and you love being around the. You benefit from
    your connections.

    February 20 - March 20
    What it means to be a Pisces, At your best you guide
    people to appreciate the alternatives in life. At your
    worst you are confused and confusing, and like the
    fish, can be all at sea. Living in a dream world to the
    point of deception is also a pitfall.

    The year of 2019 puts much emphasis on your social
    life and your career or responsibilities. With some
    lessons to learn and tidying up to do, but also
    excellent opportunities to advance your goals.


    Horoscope for the month of December of 2019 is as followed : 


    This month, Jupiter heads into a similar position, and while it does push for achievement, it also helps you find more joy and meaning in your pursuits. Fortunately, it will stick around, blessing your career and ambitions for over a year. 


    This month, Jupiter moves into harmony with your sign and with Uranus. Jupiter has been encouraging introspection and a deeper connection with your desires and needs. This spiritual regeneration begins to direct outwards from December 2nd, as you seek to expand your mind, social circle, or activities with renewed faith in your powers to do so. 


    There is a strong focus on your relationships this month, dear Gemini. A Solar Eclipse occurs in your intimacy sector, and Jupiter moves in the same area of your solar chart for a stay of over a year. These events put a spotlight on your inner world and the often hidden dynamics in a close relationship. 


    With Saturn opposing your sign for the last two years, dear Cancer, you may have felt somewhat limited in your self-expression. Relationships may have been heavier or felt more restrictive than usual. This transit will be phasing out through 2020. 


    Uranus is square your sign, dear Leo, and this planet of progressive change, rebellion, and individuality is at the top of your solar chart. Alterations in your lifestyle can be quite significant, and new directions are likely now and in upcoming years. A strong need for independence marks this period of your life, and it's building! Life seems to speed up as if it's nudging you to take a few risks, make changes, and blaze new paths that you haven't considered before. You are spirited and spunky. 


    December features a beautiful trine between Jupiter and Uranus, dear Virgo, and they're in fellow Earth signs. In other words, you're in a brilliant position to receive a boost from this progressive, liberating influence. But first, Jupiter moves into harmony with your sign on December 2nd as it begins its visit to your sector of joy, romance, and pleasure. It will stick with you, blessing your leisurely activities, dating life, and creative worlds until December 2020. 


    December brings warm energy for feeling freer on a personal level yet more connected, dear Libra, and emotionally ready to make lifestyle improvements. Opportunities for putting limiting living conditions or attitudes behind you can emerge. You're often finding yourself quite busy with errands, connections, learning, communications, and more movement than usual this month. However, there are also persuasive prompts to settle in and get comfortable. 


    A growing theme of communicating, learning, connecting, short trips or errands, and transportation emerges in December, dear Scorpio. You're also compelled to sort out your money situation, and you're motivated to boost your feelings of security and comfort. 


    It's a personally powerful month, in this month that's mostly devoted to you, your ruling planet, Jupiter, exits your sign. It's been with you since November of 2018, ideally boosting your confidence and sense of independence. With Jupiter's new transit, starting early this month and lasting until December 2020, you'll be building on your new ideas and securing your place in the world. It's a quieter, comfier transit than the last one, and it may be just what you need at this time! 


    December is looking very focused for you, it's a month for getting your bearings, rest, and reflection. The biggest headline is Jupiter entering your sign on the 2nd. Staying for over a year, Jupiter is set to bring more meaning and pleasure or satisfaction to your life. Mars spends the whole of December in harmony to your sign, and this is a most welcome boost to energy and motivation levels. 


    New influence on your chart gives you a strong sense of spiritual peace, You get a real sense that you can overcome some of your inner fears and anxieties in the coming year. If you need help during this period, it tends to come sometimes just in the nick of time, and it may arrive from unanticipated or hidden sources. 

    Pisces Jupiter heads into your solar eleventh house for a stay of over a year, dear Pisces, encouraging you to dream, plan, and hope for the future. You may meet new acquaintances who help you further your goals, or you could join a group or association that gives you considerable pleasure and satisfaction.