• Southampton High School


     Physical Education Department

       "Building Healthy Minds through Fitness"

    Dear Parents/ Guardians:

    We are looking forward to an exciting year at Southampton High School. Our objective as physical education teachers is to provide all our students with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors needed to live physically active, healthy lives. We believe in an individualized approach to physical education, and we will do our best to help your son or daughter become his or her physical best.

    We will provide progress reports throughout the year and welcome your questions at any time. The semester grade will be the average of the two quarter grades. Course credit will be given with a semester grade of 65 or higher.  We will allow students to make up five excused classes per quarter for full credit. If your son or daughter misses more than 5 classes due to a medical reason, it is your responsibility to hand in a medical note to the nurse for non-participation and clearance to participate again. During that time we will work on an alternative assignment that will give the least restrictive environment to the student. If the student is given packet work, it is their responsibility to hand in the completed work by the end of the medical excuse or end of the quarter, whichever comes first. In each quarter students are given two school sponsored excuses absences. Any days after that point must be made up.  It is the student’s responsibility to check in with their P.E. teacher. It is important for them to communicate with us so we do not mark them absent. If students do not participate in P.E. class, they may not participate in after school sports that day. This is an Athletic Department policy.

    The physical education grade will be determined as follows:

    80% of the grade is based on appropriate participation in class activities, discussions, and fitness testing, with an emphasis on self-responsibility. Students are given four points for every day he or she comes to class prepared and participates to the best of their ability. Being prepared for class means changing into athletic wear (shirts with sleeves, shorts, leggings or sweatpants) and proper footwear. Medically excused classes must be made up as per discussed above or by using the extra help periods after they are cleared to participate. Classes can be made up from 7:31-7:51 a.m. The latest he or she may enter the weight room is 7:31a.m.  Students may also make up classes during specified study halls or lunch periods and must present a pink pass.

    10% of the grade will be based on knowledge of health-related fitness and a variety of physical activities and sports, as determined through written tests and quizzes. Please remember that students have up to two weeks from the given test date to retake the test and gain a better score. The average of the two tests will be the final score.

    10% of the grade will be based on skills tests.  Structured performance tests will be administered when activities lend themselves to this form of evaluation.  Re-tests for skill evaluation will be given during designated extra help periods.


    Cindy Corwith, Timothy Schreck and Brian Tenety


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