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    Student Lateness

    Students are strongly encouraged to arrive on-time to school. In the event that a student arrives late, the following procedure will be followed:

    1. All students who arrive late to school must enter through the Main Entrance and stop at Ms. Lee’s desk located next to security.
    2. Students will sign in and obtain a pass from Ms. Lee.
    3. Students will report to class. Upon entering class, the student must sign the class log book and leave the pass in the log book.

    Please be advised that all students who are late to school must bring a note from a parent/guardian to Ms. Lee stating the reason for the lateness within 24 hours. If a note is not received within the 24 hour period, the student will be given the option of lunch detention or after school detention. Detention will not be given on the same day as the lateness.

    Early Departure Procedure

    Early dismissal is granted in emergency situations and when appointments (medical, dental, etc.) cannot be made on other than school time.  A written request from the parent clearly noting date, time and reason for early dismissal, how the student will be leaving and a daytime phone number where a parent can be reached must be handed in to the nurse's office before classes begin on the morning of the requested dismissal.  Do not leave the building without reporting to the Nurse or the Main Office.  All students who are not officially excused by the school will be subject to disciplinary action.

    Student Drop Off & Pick Up

    Student drop off and pick up will be located on Narrow Lane directly across from the main entrance.  Painted walkways will direct a safe path through the SHS bus loop parking lot.

    Period Ten, Rules and Regulations

    1.  Students must promptly report to one of the following areas during tenth period:

    • Teacher's classroom
    • Library
    • Electronic Learning Center
    • Detention room

    2.  The gymnasiums are not be utilized without proper supervision.

    3.  Members of athletic teams are to suit up beginning at 2:45 PM unless they have an away game.

    School Day and Week

    Southampton High School operates on a 10 period day - 7:31 a.m. to 2:38 p.m.  Each day is either an A or B day.  For example, the first day of school is an A day.  The second day of school is a B day, and so forth.  An announcement will be made each morning to indicate what day (A or B) is in effect.