• "Technology Mission Statement"

    Technology department

    In a rapidly changing world, with technology at the forefront, the needs of students change. What is represented in any long-range plan should be constantly assessed in order to strive for continuous improvement. The District Technology Plan as listed below is a living document and will be adapted to meet the needs of our students and community.

    Our goal is to:

    • Empower Southampton students to become independent, life-long learners in a rapidly changing society.
    • Select and provide technology that supports the achievement of the instructional goals in a safe environment.
    • Support the preparation of students who will live and work in the 21st century and the global society. 
    • Maximize student achievement by providing students technology tools to support authentic learning experiences by enabling them to find, create, analyze, manage, present, share information and construct new knowledge.
  • Executive Director of Technology
    Julieanne D. Purcell
    Southampton Public Schools
    Office: 631-591-4750

    Technology Secretaries
    Nanette Gale
    Southampton Schools/Technology Dept.
    Office: 631-591-4796

    Technology Secretaries
    Joanne Robinson
    Southampton Schools/ Technology Dept.
    Office: 631-591-4550

    District Website
    Ron Esposiito
    Southampton High School/Auditorium
    Office: 631-807-2796