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Physics Links

Speed, Acceleration, Vectors - Practice!

Newton's Laws of Motion - Learn about the 3 laws and quiz yourself.

Gravity Launch! - Complete 5 missions to win the game! Don't forget the "Learn More" button!

Forces and Motion - Webquest activity

Density and Buoyancy - Excellent 12 minute video if you're having trouble with this topic!

Helpful Science Links

Evolution Videos

Vestigial Structures


Why do humans have a third eyelid?




Homologous Structures

Evidence from Embryology


How to solve a logic puzzle

Click the link for instructions on how to solve a logic puzzle.

Darwin and Natural Selection Quiz

Click on the link to access the QUIZ

Exploding Evolution Quiz

Click on the link to access the quiz

Need to Improve Typing Skills??

Here is a website that has some fun games that will help you practice your typing skills. Scroll down for more skill games!


Keyboarding Games for Kids


Links to online dictionaries - if you don't have one at home!

The Free Dictionary - Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia, and more! - Look up definitions, word forms, etc.

Merriam Webster Dictionary - Helpful reference material PLUS a game or two!

Science Dictionary - What?? A dictionary just for science terms?? Crazy!!

Science Term Dictionary - Type in a science term and see what you get.

Amusement Park Project Information and Research Links

Design a Roller Coaster 


Roller Coaster Simulation - make it work!


Roller Coaster History and Other Information:

Roller Coasters - How they work, Newton's Laws, and Energy

Introduction to Roller Coaster History

The Beginning of Roller Coasters

Early Roller Coasters in America

Roller Coaster History -  and evolution

Roller Coaster Timeline and Significant Events

History of Rollercoasters

How Roller Coasters Work - Information on kinetic and potential energy.

Rollercoaster Physics

Roller Coaster Video

Physics of Rollercoasters - Physics behind rides

5 Ways Roller Coasters Have Changed Throughout History

A Century of Screams - History and Evolution of Rollercoasters

Human Impact:

Environmental Impact of Roller Coasters

Economic Impacts - Economic Impacts of Amusement Parks

Tourism Report - Theme Parks - A study conducted in China

Scariest Rides

Why do we like scary rides?

More about why we like scary rides

Taller, Faster, Scarier!

10 Classic Amusement Park Rides

2014's Best New Theme Park Rides


Amusement Park Physics - Information on different types of rides and safety info.  Click on your type of ride for info.

Are Roller Coasters Risky for the Heart?

Health Hazards of Amusement Park Rides

Are Roller Coasters Safe?

Ride Safety restrictions

How to design a safe amusement park ride - Not for research but may help you as you build your ride!

Energy in a Coaster - plus links to other sources of information - gravity, centripetal force, etc.

Really Rad Rollercoaster Information

Drop Ride Information:

Highest Drop Ride

Drop Rides

Drop Tower Facts

Swing Ride Information:

Swing Ride Physics

Highest Swing Ride

Tallest Swing Ride

Water Ride Information:

5 of the World's Wildest Water Rides

Water Rides

How waterslides work

Physics behind water slides

World's Tallest Waterslide

Carousel Information:

Carousel Facts

A history of Carousels

How a Carousel became part of Civil Rights History

Popular Mechanics - Carousel History

Ferris Wheel Information:
Bumper Car Information:
Isaac Newton and Other Forces:

Newton's Laws

Newton's Apple Myth Explained

Apple Myth

Newton's Laws and the Physics of Amusement Park Rides - bumper cars, carousels, free fall rides, roller coasters

Chemistry Links

Webelements  - Click on a square of the periodic table and get information about that element

Periodic Table Displays  - Museum Art w/lots of information!

Periodic Table  - More information on elements.  This periodic table is similar to the one in our room!

Periodic Table of Elements and Chemistry - Data and facts about elements - includes short videos.

Chemical - Lots of information and links to other sites.

All About Atoms - Easy to understand information about atoms. 

Chem4Kids  - Information and activities about atoms, elements, and matter.

How Stuff Works: Atoms - Short videos about atoms.

A Beginner's Guide to Balancing Chemical Equations - Short video with graphics and a few practice problems.

Escape Room - Kinetic and Potenetial Energy

You have found it!  Click on the link to continue with your challenge.

Astronomy Links

NASA Solar System Overview - Information about objects in our Solar System.  If you have a touch screen computer, you can see the solar system object locations in 3D in the moment.

Compare the size of planets - interactive

Solar System Facts - Facts about planets, asteroids, and more!

Planetary Society Charts and Comparisons - click on the image boxes for different bits of information.


Shooting for the Stars - An 8th Grader's Dream of going to Mars (1000L)

Shooting for the Stars - An 8th Grader's Dream of going to Mars (720L)


Electromagnetic Radiation PPT - If you are having trouble accessing this, try logging into your school acount.

Your Weight on Other Worlds - a look at what you would weigh on different objects in the universe.

Sizing up the Universe -Interactive activities

Astronomy Picture of the Day - NASA's picture of the day with a brief explanation.

Astronomy for Kids - Everything you wanted to know about astronomy

Astronomy for Kids ThinkQuest - Learn about objects in our universe

Solar System - Interesting facts about objects in our solar system provided by National Geographic

Stars, Galaxies, and Nebulae - Great pictures to go along with facts about each of these celestial objects

Solar System Simulation - PhEt - Colorado

Genetics, Heredity, and Biological Evolution

Genetics Disorders and Diseases


Who Wants to Live A Million Years? - A game of survival


All Living Things are Related - video ppt


Building a Dinosaur from a Chicken - YouTube Video (Jack Horner)


Guess that Embryo - Interactive game


All in the Family (worksheet)


All in the Family - Updated Interactive Game


All in the Family - Interactive Game (old)


Stories from the Fossil Record - Introduction to Fossil Evidence


Earth's History in 24 Hours - A look at the timeline of events in Earth's history.


Learn Genetics - Basics of Genetics 


Variation, Selection & Time


The Story of Fido - Physical Traits 


What did T-Rex Look Like? - An introduction to how life is related

Lizard Evolution Virtual Lab


Evolution of the Peppered Moth - YouTube Video


Peppered Moth Simulation


Evolution: The Greatest Show on Earth - slide show


Common Past: Different Paths - PBS video clip


Controversies in Genetics - a research project


Genetics - A Tour of the Basics


Mars Project Links


Analog vs Digital Signals


Analog to Digital Advantages

How do Satellites Communicate?

How Does the Mars Base Communicate with Earth?

How do Satellites Work?



Solar Power and Mars

Power for a Mars Colony

Miniature Nuclear Reactor

Geothermal Energy on Mars

Heating Shelters on Mars


Farming and Nutrition:

Living in Space - NASA - Recycling Air and Water

Can Plants Grow in Mars Soil?

Deep Space Food Crops

10 Crops that Have Been Grown in Mars Simulated Soil

Learning How to Grow Plants on Mars

Scientists Just Grew Plants in Martian Soil, But..

Scientists Grow First Edible Plants 

Making Food to Eat on Mars



MAVEN Mars Evolution (NASA) - video clip

Death of a Planet (BBC) - video clip

Olympus Mons on Mars (BBC) - video clip

Giant Volcanos on Mars (BBC) - video clip

Mariner Reveals Mars (BBC) - video clip

What is Mars Made Of?

Curiosity Finds Water and Poison in Martian Soil

Living off the Land

Mars Scientific Data


Shelter and Habitat:

Making Shelter on Mars

Building an Ice Shelter on Mars



SuitUp with NASA - Lots of information and video clips about the evolution of spacesuits.

Clickable Spacesuits  - Interactive Spacesuit Experience



Martian Makeover - Interactive site that helps us understand what Mars needs to have liquid water

NASA Confirms Evidence for Liquid Water on Mars

It's Going to Be Tougher to Find Drinkable Water on Mars Than We Thought


NASA Discovers Liquid Salty Water Flowing on Mars

Spectral Evidence for Hydrated Salts...

"Mining" Ice Water onMars

Hidden Ice Sheet Contains More Water than Lake Superior



Exploring the Planet

Chronology of Mars Exploration

History of Mars Rovers

Destination Mars - A Timeline of Red Planet Landings

MagLev Trains

How do Magnetic Levitation Trains Work?

Transportation on Mars

Getting Around on Mars

The Best Ways to Travel on Mars


Water Extraction:

How to Mine Water on Mars

Mars for the Many

Water on Mars - Exploration and Evidence

NASA is Planning to Make Water and Oxygen on Moon & Mars by 2020

Living in Space - NASA - Recycling Air and Water

How to Get Water on Mars

Yes, There's Water on Mars...

Water Extraction From Martian Soil

"Mining" Ice Water onMars

Scientists Test New Techniques to Mine Water on Mars

Curiosity Sample Shows Astronauts Could Mine Water on Mars

Designing a Rover to Mine Water on Mars - Mars Aqua Retrieval System (MARS)

Making Water to Drink

Forces and Motion

Exploring Gravity - PhET Simulation


NASA Stemonstration Video - Newton's 2nd Law


Newton's First Law Lab  - Watch It! Station

Newton's First Law Lab - Research It! Station


Stopping Distance - The Physics Classroom: Work and Energy - Calculate  KE of a Car


Newton's Laws of Motion - An overview of Newton's Laws of Motion - with a quiz!


PhET Simulations - LOTS of interactive activities on Forces and Motion - Basics, gravity, friction, and more!


Newton's Laws Interactive Activities (similar to "Who Wants to Live a Million Years).  Yep... this one has a quiz, too.


The Physics Classroom - Overview of information for Forces and Newton's Laws


Newton's Laws - Basic overview with really good animations!  You guessed it, this site contains ANOTHER QUIZ!


What is a force? A closer look at force, friction, and air resistance.


Physics4Kids - Motion information - speed, velocity, acceleration, gravity, and so much more... (Look at the menu on the right hand side near the top of the page for the different content areas)


Motion and Reference Points


Scientific Method

Tree Frog Fact Sheet - Tree frog fact sheet

Pacific Northwest Tree Frogs - Information about Northwest Pacific frogs

Common Octopus Facts

More Octopus Facts

Octopus Intelligence - Check out the two videos, as well as read the interesting information about octopi.

Northwest Pacific Temperate Rainforests

Redwood Forest Video

Coastal Mountains and Forests

Temperate Rainforests of the Northern Pacific Coast

Northwest Tree Octopus - Help save the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus!

For Fun and Extra Learning

Mass, Volume, Density - To help you practice finding M, V, and D 

Units and Measurement - SI Units 

States of Matter - Info. on states of matter and molecular arrangement

Mixtures, Solutions, Suspensions - Learn about mixtures, etc.

Scale of the Universe - Look at how big or small things in our universe really are!

Ranae Roemer Locker