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Donate to the Friends of Davidson Music

    Friends of Davidson Music / Amigos de la Música en Davidson


    Friends of Davidson Music


    Friends of Davidson Music Foundation


    California is near the bottom of states when it comes to funding of schools. It is no wonder that music programs in our state have often suffered with minimal to no budgets for their departments from their districts.


    When our district no longer supplied a budget for sheet music, instrument repair, or basic supplies and materials, teachers were forced to either, offer minimal resources and activities for the students or to take funding matters into their own hands.


    In 2003, the music directors of Davidson Middle School started The Friends of Davidson Music Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit organization, to assist the directors in the acquisition of funds for the program.


    The Friends of Davidson Music Foundation organization handles the collection of fees and the receipt of donations and is charged with allocating the money as best determined by the current music directors.


    The Board of Directors of the Friends of Davidson Music Foundation includes current and former Davidson music teachers. The Board of Directors’ only focus is to help keep the Davidson Music Program active and functioning with the funds donated and contributed to the program from a variety of sources.


    The Board of Directors may ask several parents each year to serve as officers. With President, Secretary, and Treasurer being the necessary officer positions. The Board of Directors will search out, take recommendations for, and approve the selection of officers on an annual basis. Sometimes members of the board of directors can simultaneously serve as an officer of the Foundation.


    The primary charge of the Officers (President, Secretary, and Treasurer ) of the Friends of Davidson Music Foundation is to support the will of the Directors (The Board of Directors).


    Usually, the fundraising activities and collection of contributions requires minimal parent assistance or special committees.  Most of our fundraising work includes little more than making deposits and writing receipts, and mailing letters! Occasionally, at the request of the officers, The Board of Directors can give the officers approval to form a special committee to pursue special fund raising activities and functions.


    Davidson Middle School boasts a full and active music program, taking many students from a beginning level through a three year-curriculum. 9 performance classes and two other volunteer ensembles (11 performing groups) are taught by two music specialists covering voice, string, woodwind, brass, percussion, and steel pan.

    Many schools boast if 15% of their student body is involved in a music program. Davidson’s enrollment in music classes is approximately 35% of our student population. Before “No Child Left Behind” requirements affected enrollment, we would have over 50% of the students involved!

    The Friends of Davidson Music Foundation was started to help supplement the needs of the music department that are not covered by the district. The school and district supply the rooms and two faculty members.  Sheet Music, instruments, repairs, maintenance, field trips to musically educational festivals, consultants, equipment and many other aspects of a successful music program are not covered by district funds.  Davidson’s hard-working PTA has graciously and generously donated to us again this year for buses and consultants. Thank you, PTA!  The remainder of our needs are met though our own fundraising efforts.

    A fundraising letter may be mailed to families with a son or daughter enrolled in the music classes in October. It is currently our only fundraising effort of the year.

    We are continually reaching toward our lofty and idealistic goal of bringing music to all students. We are an active part of the community in which we live. We strive to provide a quality musical experience for our students with the assistance and generosity of our school community.

    “In a world where so many things divide us, music has the power to bring us together.”

    - Bernard F. Brennan

    Friends of Davidson Music Foundation is a nonprofit organization, IRS Code Section 501(c)(3) pending. FEIN #20-1292780. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent provided by state and federal law.



    Friends of Davidson Music


    Davidson Middle School cuenta con un programa de música completo y activo tomando a muchos estudiantes de un nivel de principiante y a través de un plan de estudios de 3 años. Nueve clases de interpretación y dos conjuntos voluntarios más son enseñados por dos especialistas de música que cubren voz, instrumentos de cuerdas, viento, latón, percusión y acero.

    Muchas escuelas presumen si el 15% del alumnado estan envueltos en un programa de música. Inscripción en clases de música en Davidson es aproximadamente el 35% de la populación estudiantil. 

    La Fundación de Música “Amigos de Davidson” fue empezada para suplementar las necesidades del departamento de música que  no son cubiertos por el distrito. El distrito y la escuela proveen la sala y dos miembros de la facultad. Partituras, instrumentos, reparación, mantenimiento, viajes a festivales de educación musical, asesores, equipo y varios aspectos de un programa musical exitoso no son cubiertos por fondos del distrito. La asociación de Padres y Maestros (PTA) de Davidson con su arduo trabajo nos han, con gracia y generosidad, donado una vez mas este año para autobuses y asesores. ¡Gracias, PTA! El resto de nuestras necesidades son satisfechas a través de nuestros propios esfuerzos de recaudación de fondos.

    Una carta de recaudación de fondos será enviada a familias con estudiantes inscritos en clases de música este Octubre.

    Estamos continuamente llegando a nuestras elevadas e ideales metas de ofrecer música a todos los estudiantes. Somos una parte activa de la comunidad en cual vivimos. Nos esforzamos para proveer una experiencia musical de calidad para nuestros estudiantes con la asistencia y generosidad de nuestra comunidad escolar.

    “En un mundo donde tantas cosas nos dividen, la música tiene el poder de unirnos”

    -Bernard F. Brennan

    La Fundación de música “Amigos de Davidson” es una organización sin fines de lucro, del código del IRS sección 501 (c) (3) pendiente. FEIN #20-1292780. Todas las donaciones son deducibles de impuestos a la extensión provista por las leyes estatales y federales.