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We know these are uncertain times. It is normal to experience a range of emotions while this pandemic wears on - anxiety, uncertainty, frustration, boredom. If your stress level is preventing you from fiding peace or any enjoyment during this time, please know that help is available.


San Rafael City Schools has put together a collection of Mental Health and Wellness Resources. Check it out for local resources, emergency numbers, information about managing stress, and other tips.


We are also available for one on one check-ins. Just fill out this Appointment Request form.


Abby Costello

Maria Pusel

Meghan Greenwood

Tips for a Successful School from Home Experience

Remote Learning Student Skills

Follow these tips to set yourself up for success.

  • Make a "Learning Space"
    • Make sure you are near a charging station so that you don't lose power during class
    • Keep your materials handy - pens, paper
  • Start Mondays STRONG
    • Check your email and clean it up
    • "View your assignments" in each class
    • Use your agenda
  • Every day, preferrably in the morning before your 1st period
  • Ask to be included in Selected Student Support
  • Visit your teachers during Office Hours
  • Make an appointment with a counselor

Maximize opportunities


If you are caught up on all of your school work and looking for a way to use this unexpected home-bound time to its best advantage, consider these ideas.


1) Examine your strengths and areas of interest so that you can start to map out a career pathway. Some of the online career finder surveys are paid, but many are free and easy to use. These can show you which occupations might best suit your interests and show you which college degrees or post-secondary training is needed.


2) Check out colleges and universities. Take a virtual field trip to the many options for collegiate learning. The US News and World Report College Rankings is a great place to start. You can sort options based on size, cost, geographic area, and admission requirements.


3) Consider your volunteer options. Of course, with the current shelter-in-place directive you will not be allowed to leave your home to volunteer, but you could start to reach out to see about future opportunities. Most high schools require community service as a graduation requirement, so it is not a bad idea to start looking at options. Plus, being of service to others is a proven mood booster!


4) Take your self-directed learning to new levels. Love to learn? What a great time to take advantage of the vast collection of FREE online courses. Yale, Harvard, Stanford, and other elite universities provide courses online. You can also search for MOOCS (massive open online courses) that are appealing to you. Not only are these a great way to stimulate your brain, they will look great on future applications and resumes.


Visit our College and Career site for links and more information.